Simon Rosenberg
Prominent American political strategist, thought-leader and commentator
An experienced television news producer and highly regarded political strategist and thought-leader, Simon has spent three decades in national media and politics. He is a veteran of two Presidential campaigns, including a senior role in the famous 1992 Clinton War Room. In his current capacity as President of NDN/New Policy Institute, Simon advises leading politicians, Administration officials and policy makers on a wide range of issues here in the United States and abroad. He is a frequent commentator in the national media, appearing regularly in major newspapers and websites, political journals and on cable and network television. A few years ago GQ magazine named him one of the 50 most powerful people in Washington. In this past election cycle, he was a senior advisor to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, helping craft the strategy which netted the Democrats 40 seats and earned the highest vote share by either party since 1986.
Simon is a graduate of Tufts University and currently serves on the board of the Tisch College of Civic Life at Tufts, where he recently taught a semester-long seminar to undergraduates on American politics. He is a Henry Crown Fellow at the Aspen Institute, a member of the U.S. State Department’s Advisory Committee on International Information and Communications Policy and an advisory board member of the Open Source Elections Technology Institute. Outside of his work with NDN, Simon has advised private corporate and political clients, including Univision, Nanomix, Discourse Intelligence, and the DCCC. He and his wife, Caitlin Durkovich, and their three teenage children live in Washington, DC.
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Recent Essays, Citations:
Simon's analysis has been recently featured in several national and international media outlets. Be sure to check out the full list of articles here.
In wide-open 2020 presidential field, Democrats are road-testing messages — and trying to redefine their party, Michael Scherer, May 12th, 2018, The Washington Post.
Trump's Iran deal withdrawal is an arrogant rejection of the post-war system America built, Simon Rosenberg, May 10th, 2018, NBC News THINK.
Trump's Rightward Pull on the GOP Midterm Primaries, Ronald Brownstein, May 9th, 2018, The Atlantic.
Happy Hour Roundup, Paul Waldman, May 8th, 2018, The Washington Post.
Backlash to Trumpism Brewing in the Border Region of the US, Simon Rosenberg, May 8th, 2018, Medium.
Trump is a disaster, and that's helping Democrats. But not how you think, Greg Sargent, May 8th, 2018, The Washington Post.
Some notes on the decline of TV, rise of social media in American politics, Simon Rosenberg, April 27th, 2018, Medium.
Are Trump's Mounting Legal Problems Making It Impossible for Him to Be President? Simon Rosenberg, April 18th, 2018, Medium.
Is the Sessions fight against the sanctuary cities over? Pilar Marrero, April 16th, 2018, La Opinion.
Young Voters A Huge Opportunity for Democrats in 2018, Simon Rosenberg, April 10th, 2018, Medium.
Why it's time to really worry about Trump, in two charts, Greg Sargent, April 5th, 2018, The Washington Post.
The Trump effect: A lot of veterans are running as Democrats, Greg Sargent, March 29th, 2018, The Washington Post.
The GOP Tax Message May Have Backfired in Pennsylvania, Michael Rainey, March 14th, 2018, The Fiscal Times.
Three big takeaways from Trump's humiliating Pennsylvania failure, Greg Sargent, March 14th, 2018, The Washington Post.
The Great Deflation, Susan Milligan, January 26th, 2018, US News & World Report.
US government shutdown deal splits Democrats, Courtney Weaver, January 23rd, 2018, Financial Times.
A real disconnect: Trump administration offers conflicting signals on potential deportation of dreamers, David Nakamura, January 18th, 2018, The Washington Post.
It's a Trap! Fernand Amandi, January 4th, 2018, Strange Days.
US lawmakers shaken as #MeToo engulfs Congress, Courtney Weaver, December 14th, 2017, Financial Times.
Trump is still listening to Bannon. Here's how this could badly damage the GOP, Greg Sargent, December 15th, 2017, The Washington Post.
The GOP Is No Longer the Party of Family Values and Fiscal Discipline, Susan Milligan, December 8th, 2017, US News & World Report.
In 2020, Julián Castro could be one of 30 or more Democratic presidential candidates, Bill Lamrecht, November 11th, 2017, San Antonio Express-News.
To impeach or not to impeach: The Democrats' new big rift, Gabriel Debenedetti, November 7th, 2017, Politico.
Republicans in Virginia and nationwide are using 'sanctuary cities' as a weapon against Democrats, David Weigel and Laura Vozzella, November 2nd, 2017, The Washington Post.
Trump and his allies are laying the groundwork for a Saturday Night Massacre, Greg Sargent, October 31st, 2017, The Washington Post.
Washington prepares for the unexpected as Russia investigation unfolds, Michael Scherer, October 30th, 2017, The Washington Post.
The state of the Democratic party - it's not all bleak - with NDN's Simon Rosenberg, Nathaniel Pearlman, October 20th, 2017, The Great Battlefield podcast.
Trump's incompetence will not save us from his malevolence, Greg Sargent, October 17th, 2017, The Washington Post.
Trump turns to executive powers in bid to force Congress into action, John Wagner and David Nakamura, October 14th, 2017, The Washington Post.
Democrats rising? Early statehouse wins test new faces, Letitia Stein, October 12th, 2017, Reuters.
The Democrats' Pipeline Problem, Ronald Brownstein, October 12th, 2017, The Atlantic.
Democrats Tiptoe Around Universal Basic Income, Haley Byrd, October 2nd, 2017, Independent Journal Review.
Trump is right to be worried about Arizona (and Texas too), Simon Rosenberg, August 21st, 2017,
A Department of Jobs, Skills and Economic Development, Simon Rosenberg, July 19th, 2017,
Veterans lining up for the Democrats in congressional races, Bill Lambrecht, July 17th, 2017, San Antonio Express-News.
Despite Georgia loss, Texas Democrats confident about next year, Bill Lambrecht, June 25th, 2017, San Antonio Express-News.
'Meaness at the core:' Obama jumps back into the political fray to slam Trump, GOP on health care, David Nakamura, June 22nd, 2017, The Washington Post.
The Case for Optimism: Rejecting Trump's Poisonous Pessimism, Simon Rosenberg, June 2nd, 2017,
"No Normal Time" - A Special Note from Simon, Simon Rosenberg, May 8th, 2017,
'Disarray' Is Preface to Power for Democrats, Francis Wilkinson, April 24th, 2017, Bloomberg View.
Obama said there was never a better time to be alive. Trump thinks a 'nasty' world offers nothing but problems, David Nakamura, February 13th, 2017, The Washington Post.
Trump's Budget Proposal Threatens Democratic and Republican Ambitions, Ron Brownstein, February 28th, 2017, The Atlantic.
The Democrats' Immigration Party, Thomas Edsall, February 16th, 2017, The New York Times.
Don't get distracted. Trump and Republicans are set to inflict radical, disruptive change, Greg Sargent, December 2nd, 2016, The Washington Post.
Democrats' First Big Decision Since the Election: Choosing a New Leader, Sam Frizell, November 14th, 2016, TIME.
Shocked Democrats look to next generation of party leaders for relief, Carla Marinucci, November 9th, 2016, Politico.
How Donald Trump Lost His Mojo, Matt Taibbi, September 9th, 2016, The Rolling Stone.
In tight Obama-Clinton alliance, the merging of two political machines, Juliet Eilperin, July 26th, 2016, The Washington Post.
On Day One, Democrats ruthlessly exposed a core Trump weakness, Greg Sargent, July 26th, 2016, The Washington Post.
End the anti-democratic super-delegate system, Joe Trippi and Simon Rosenberg, July 23rd, 2016,
Paul Ryan Among the Ruins, Francis Wilkinson, June 30th, 2016, Bloomberg.
Clinton Extends Her Lead; Brexit, Rising Wages, Immigration and the American Election, Simon Rosenberg, June 27th, 2016,
NDN Statement on US vs Texas Supreme Court Decision, Simon Rosenberg, June 23rd, 2016,
Trump and the GOP in Crisis, Simon Rosenberg, June 20th, 2016,
Memo: Hispanics Have Made Significant Economic Gains in Recent Years, Simon Rosenberg, June 9th, 2016,
A Primary That Pitted Democrats Against Independents, Ronald Brownstein, June 6th, 2016, The Atlantic.
Clinton faces conundrum as Trump shoots from the hip, Demetri Sevastopulo and Sam Fleming, May 10th, 2016, Financial Times.
For Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, a Debate Over More Debates Brews, Colleen McCain Nelson, March 25th, 2016, The Wall Street Journal.
Why Sanders Trails Clinton Among Minority Voters, Noam Schreiber, March 21st, 2016, The New York Times.
The Great Divide: Clinton, Sanders, and the future of the Democratic Party, Ryan Lizza, March 21st, 2016, The New Yorker.
Notable Work From Simon:
Last summer Simon began writing "Monday Musings," a new column looking at the 2016 elections is published most Mondays here on the NDN site. You can find previous columns here.
The RNC's Russia Problem, April 14, 2017, US News & World Report.
A Strategy for Confronting Trump, January 31st, 2017, US News & World Report.
The End of Pax Americana? January 26th, 2017, US News & World Report.
Chin Up, Democrats, January 20th, 2017, US News & World Report.
Rediscovering the Democrats' North Star, December 9th, 2016, US News & World Report.
A New Generation Of Democrats Will Have to Rise, November 8th, 2016,
The West is On the Ballot, November 4th, 2016, US News & World Report.
2016 Through A Millennial Lens - Some Initial Thoughts, November 4th, 2016,
Calling all Patriots, October 13th, US News & World Report.
Renewing Our Democracy, Restoring Consent, April 28th, 2016,
Keep the Faith: Three steps to modernize and reform American elections would help rebuild faith in our democracy, April 25th, 2016, US News & World Report.
On Immigration Enforcement, The GOP's Decade of Blocking Sensible Reform, July 21st, 2015,
"A Wake Up Call For Democrats" - Simon's 2014 Post-Election Memo, November 7th, 2014,
The Liberal Order Needs An Upgrade, September 23rd, 2014, US News. Like an old building needing an upgrade, the liberal international order, now almost 70 years old, needs to go through a period of renewal and reform.
NDN Report on Central American Migrants, Obama's Border/Immigration Enforcement Record, July 18th, 2014, NDN/NPI's report finds that the Obama Administration has made the border safer, the immigration system better while dramatically expanding trade with Mexico. The report also reviews the current migrant crisis, and offers suggestions on what should happen next.
An Enduring Legacy: The Democratic Party and Free and Open Trade, January 21st, 2014, Huffington Post. The global system created by Presidents FDR and Truman has done more to create opportunity, reduce poverty and advance democracy than perhaps any other policies in history.
TIME Features NDN Economic Analysis, Chart, Labels It "Most Important Chart in American Politics," February 5, 2013, In a new piece for Time Magazine, author Michael Scherer profiles the work of NDN/New Policy Institute, labeling a chart which is a distillation of years of economic analysis, "The Most Important Chart In American Politics."
"Forward, or Backward?" October 25th, 2012, An English Language Version of Simon's Letras Libres Essay on the 2012 Elections landscape and the future of US politics.
Leaving the Reagan Era Behind, December 25th, 2012, Simon provides thoughts about the post-Sandy Hook shooting political environment, and the hard, tough struggles ahead necessary to usher in a new and better age of politics.
The Age of Possibility (video), April 29, 2011, Video of a "TED" style talk given by Simon at Tufts University which makes the case that the 21st century is full of more possibility for humankind than any century in our history.
Crafting an American Response to the Rise of the Rest, January 21, 2010, In this essay written for Salon, Simon lays out three strategies for the Obama Administration to craft a comprehensive response to the new politics of the 21st Century.
Meeting the Challenges of the 21st Century, July 24, 2009, Demos. An essay which ran as part of a leading British think tank's series of essays on the future of center-left politics.
Obama: No Realist He, June 16, 2009, Huffington Post. Simon offers some thoughts about Obama's global brand in the early days of the Iranian uprising. The essay drew many comments in its more than 24 hours on the front page of Huffington Post.
On Obama, Race, and the End of the Southern Strategy, January 4, 2008, Simon's reflections on the night of the Iowa Caucuses about the rise of Barack Obama and the emergence of a new Electoral College map and a possible new majority coalition for the Democratic Party.
The 50 Year Strategy: A New Progressive Era (No, Really!), November/December 2007, Mother Jones. The seminal long-form article by Simon and Peter Leyden which made the case that big changes in demography, media and technology and in the issues in front of the American people was opening a new and promising political age for the American center-left.
A Laptop in Every Backpack, May 1st, 2007, Co-Written with Alec Ross, We believe that America needs to put a laptop in every backpack of every child. We need to commit to a date and grade certain: we suggest 2010 for every sixth grader.
Meeting the Challenges of the 21st Century: Crafting A Better CAFTA, June 7th, 2005, Co-Written with Dr. Robert Shapiro, We believe that an agreement with Central America is so important to how Americans approach the 21st century that we must commit ourselves to help negotiate and pass a better CAFTA.
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