Barack Obama's latest ad is not only in Spanish, but it has Barack Obama speaking in Spanish through the entire ad - not an easy feat. He has a good accent, better than George W. Bush's. And as we saw in the case of then Gov. Bush, the Hispanic community doesn't care so much about a candidate being able to speak perfect Spanish, they care that they try - and I must say, Sen. Obama pulls it off seamlessly here. By contrast, Sen. McCain hasn't so much as tried to learn the "I'm John McCain and I approve this message" tagline in Spanish. This ad is part of something historic. Barack Obama has now spent more than any other presidential candidate in history on Spanish language media. And he is only the third or fourth candidate that I can count that has cared to speak to this demographic in their language of origin. As reported in the documentary, "Latinos 08", Jackie Kennedy filmed a message in Spanish on behalf of her husband when he ran for office, George W. Bush spoke some Spanish here and there, and Howard Dean tried his hand at it as well, but the Obama campaign has spent a record amount of resources on a record amount of Spanish language ads. And it seems to be paying off. According to the latest polls, Barack Obama now holds a 40-50 point lead among Hispanics. This is his second Spanish-language address, the first having been an ad in Puerto Rico during the primaries. Here, he is trying to bond with the Hispanic community by speaking of the "American Dream" that motivated so many of them to come to this country, thus trying to add an emotional connection to the support among Hispanics that seems largely driven by issues and party identification.
And a translation of the ad:
BO: We share a dream, That through hard work your family can succeed.
That if you're sick, you can have access to medical insurance.
That our children can have a quality education, regardless of whether you are rich or poor.
That is the American Dream.
I ask you for your vote, not just for me and the Democrats, but so that you can keep that dream alive for yourself and for your children.
I'm Barack Obama and I approve this message.
With only two weeks to go until Election Day, Sen. Barack Obama is clearly not taking the Hispanic vote for granted as he continues flooding the airwaves in Spanish with no less than three new radio and television ads. The first radio ad, "Ataques"("Attacks") addresses Sen. McCain's attack tactics, and is airing in NM, CO, NV, PA, IN, WI, OH, VA, NC, Central FL, and South Florida (Miami, West Palm Beach). It's interesting that there's an entire second version of the ad for Southern Florida, using voices that have more of a Caribbean tint to them, which reflects the origin of most Latinos in that area. I see this as an indicator of why Obama has been doing so well among Hispanics - he recognizes our differences.
The second ad, also on radio and recorded by Senator Ken Salazar,"CO, SalazarEarly Vote"airing in Colorado, is aimed at motivating voters to vote early.
The third ad, a television spot called "Oportunidad" ("Opportunity") is about access to higher education, airing in NM, NV, CO and FL. See the tv ad below, along with the English translations of the ads.
Oportunidad (TV Ad Version)
BO: I'm Barack Obama and I approve this message.
The cost of a college education is a real worry for many families.
But under the Obama Plan a student can earn the first $4,000 of tuition through community service.
Putting a college education within everyone's reach.
And the Obama Plan offers scholarships to recruit more teachers to make sure our children are ready (smart/prepared).
With Obama and the Democrats ... a new opportunity.
Ataques (Radio Version)
Wow, have you heard the terrible lies that John McCain and the Republicans are saying about Barack Obama? How horrible.
Well, it doesn't surprise me. The republicans will say anything to distract the public from the economy.
My neighbor - who has 2 kids - lost her job and her health insurance last week. And her husband, who works in construction, is about to lose his. I don't want to hear any more attacks. I want to know what the candidates will do for us.
Well, that's why Barack Obama is my candidate. Instead of continuing George Bush's same failed policies - like John McCain wants to do - Barack Obama understands what our community needs from a President. He has specific ideas to help us.
Under Obama, the middle class will receive three times more relief than with McCain. Obama will cut our taxes!
And what matters to me is that Obama has a plan to give health insurance to all. My neighbor will be saved!
Barack Obama and the democrats are the change we need.
[BO:] I´m Barack Obama, candidate for President, and I approve this message.
CO Salazar Early Vote (Radio ad)
In Colorado - the gateway to the West - we know anything is possible if you're willing to do the work.
This is US Senator Ken Salazar. My parents raised 8 kids on a ranch. We were poor, with no electricity and no telephone, but all of us became first generation college graduates.
Like my parents, we all will do anything for our families.
And you can do something for your family right now: vote. You don't have to wait until Election Day. You can vote early, today thru October 31st
With Barack Obama and the Democrats real change is within our grasp ... affordable health care ... investing in jobs here at home, and a college education that's affordable for every family ... whether they be rich or poor.
To find an early voting location near you, go online at
What are you waiting for? After eight years of George Bush, we can't afford more of the same.
This is Ken Salazar asking you to vote early today for Barack Obama and the Democrats.
[BO:] I´m Barack Obama, candidate for President, and I approve this message.
Over the last few weeks, we have been commenting on how both Presidential candidates are battling it out to win over Hispanic voters by spending record sums on Spanish language advertising on issues of importance to this demographic, such as immigration, health care, and taxes. The Washington Times has picked up on the brutal ad war and wrote about it in this piece by Stephen Dinan.
And the war continues...Barack Obama seems to be really ramping up his attacks on the air against John McCain, and he continues to do it in Spanish with his latest radio ad, calledImpuestos, or "Taxes," airing in New Mexico, Colorado, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Virginia and North Carolina, as well as Florida. And a television ad by the same name airing in New Mexico, Colorado and Nevada, as well as Florida.
**Update: The day after the release of this ad in Spanish, an English language version of the ad was released.
Translation of the ads:
Impuestos (Radio Version)
On taxes and the economy, who's on your side?
John McCain pledges hundreds of billions in corporate tax breaks for big corporations. But for 100 million households - nothing.
McCain's health plan - even worse - will tax benefits for the first time ever. Rather than helping us, John McCain's plan punishes us.
And the tax credit McCain promises will go straight to the pockets of insurance companies.
These are the facts about his plan that John McCain and the Republicans want to hide from the public.
But, with Barack Obama, taxes will be cut for 95% of the county's working families. Period. Not one penny more of taxes for any family earning less than a quarter million dollars.
Barack Obama and the Democrats know that working people and the middle class are the ones that most need relief during this crisis.
Barack Obama is on our side.
[BO:] I'm Barack Obama, candidate for President, and I approve this message.
Impuestos (TV Ad Version)
On taxes, who's on your side?
John McCain pledges hundreds of billions in corporate tax breaks. Billions for oil companies. But for 100 million households - nothing.
And McCain's health plan will tax benefits for the first time ever.
Barack Obama. No tax hikes on any families earning less than a quarter million dollars.
Barack Obama and the Democrats...for the change we need.
[BO:] I'm Barack Obama and I approve this message.
The ad wars continue en español. Barack Obama moves on from immigration to speak to Hispanic voters in Spanish about another issue close to their heart: Healthcare. Obama just launched a televisionad called Seguro Médico, or "Health Insurance", and a radio ad called Batallando, "Battling". Another demonstration of the increasing importance of Spanish language media as the Hispanic electorate grows.
[TALENT #1:]
For the last 12 years, I have been battling diabetes.
With the economy being so bad, I lost my job and my health insurance. Now I don't know how I will pay for my medicines and my medical bills.
John McCain's health plan allows insurance companies to deny people coverage if they have preexisting conditions.
This doesn't help people like me.
Barack Obama is the only one that offers us a solution.
Barack Obama's health plan makes health insurance accessible for all ...
...and it reduces costs for families struggling to pay for their insurance.
One out of every three Hispanics in this country lacks health insurance. What will John McCain and the Republicans do for them?
Barack Obama will stand up to insurance companies and special interests so that are families are protected.
That is his commitment.
[BO:] I'm Barack Obama, candidate for President, and I approve this message.
[Nexador Rodriguez:]
A lot of people that I know have to decide between getting sick and eating.
[Liz Carrazco:]
I have relatives in my family that don't have health insurance and they have serious illnesses.
...I'm not working, and well, I don't have health insurance and right now it's very difficult.
Barack Obama and the Democrats are fighting to make health care accessible to everyone. Reducing the costs.
Covering more families.
And I think that he is going to be the person that is going to help us. He is my inspiration.
[BO:] I´m Barack Obama and I approve this message.
Translation of Visuals:
One in three Hispanics have no health care
Health Care for All
The Obama Health Care Plan
Learn more about the plan:
Lower Costs for Families
And the immigration battle continues. After U.S. Senator John McCain's last adon immigration, U.S. Sen. Barack Obama responds in kind. Chris Cillizza reports that overall, Obama is outspending McCain 3 to 1 on television.
NDN has long advocated on the importance of immigration as a motivating issue for Hispanics, regardless of whether they are native or foreign born - as demonstrated by this back and forth. With a significant percentage of Latino voters in key battleground states, the candidates are working to win over this important voting demographic by speaking on the issue of immigration. In this ad, Obama taps into the damaged Republican brand among Hispanics, linking John McCain to his party and to the GOP's hateful anti-immigrant attacks and the pressure that party exerted to halt immigration reform. The ad is called, "Otra Vez lo Mismo", or "Here We Go Again".
The translation of the script of the ad:
Here We Go Again...
McCain is still manipulating and lying on the issue of immigration.
He wants to hide the fact he's the one who turned his back on us...
[CNN video]
McCain caved to the anti-immigrant crowd
And, along with the Republicans, betrayed our community.
If John McCain is not willing to stand up to his own Republican Party, how will he defend us in the White House?