7 Republican Senators sent a letter to the Senate leadership of both parties, demanding a real debate on their anti-surge resolution, free of the toxic back room arguments that lead to this week's 49-47 vote against debate. The first six names were no surprise, but Steve Clemons, who broke this story, was surprised to see Voinovich's signature - another indicator that support for the President is unraveling. The full letter is below.
February 7, 2007
The Honorable Harry Reid, Majority Leader
The Honorable Mitch McConnell, Republican Leader
The Honorable Richard Durbin, Assistant Majority Leader
The Honorable Trent Lott, Assistant Republican Leader
United States Senate -- Washington, D.C. 20510
Dear Leader Reid, Leader McConnell, Senator Durbin and Senator Lott:
The war in Iraq is the most pressing issue of our time. It urgently deserves the attention of the full Senate and a full debate on the Senate floor without delay.
We respectfully advise you, our leaders, that we intend to take S. Con. Res 7 and offer it, where possible under the Standing Rules of the Senate, to bills coming before the Senate.
On January 10,2007, the President stated, with respect to his Iraq strategy, "if Members have improvements that can be made, we will make them. If circumstances change we will adjust." In a conscientious, respectful way, we offered our resolution consistent with the President's statement.
We strongly believe the Senate should be allowed to work its will on our resolution as well as the concepts brought forward by other Senators. Monday's procedural vote should not be interpreted as any lessening of our resolve to go forward advocating the concepts of S. Con. Res. 7.
We will explore all of our options under the Senate procedures and practices to ensure a full and open debate on the Senate floor. The current stalemate is unacceptable to us and to the people of this country.
Olympia Snowe
John Warner
Chuck Hagel
Susan Collins
Norm Coleman
Gordon Smith
George Voinovich
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