I saw about three-quarters of it (had to help put my kids to bed). Some initial thoughts:
- Sure looked like a group of smart people trying to figure out the right path for the nation. And it is clear that the Democrats know that actually being the next President is going to be very hard. They are really trying to get to the heart of matter on most of the big issues, which perhaps made this debate seem less canned and political than previous ones.
I really enjoyed the way, at times, the candidates refered to one another and talked about how they could work with them, etc. It often felt like even though they may have disagreed on certain matters, they were all on the same team. I thought Clinton and Obama were especially effective at this, and were very respectful of their peers. One of the things the candidates are clearly picking up so far from voters is that after the disapointment and deceit of the Bush era they are looking for real answers and a real leader. Folks want to have an honest and respectful discussion about their future.
- In keeping with this last thought I thought the regular folks in the audience asked much better questions than the journalists. It was amazing how thoughtful their questions were, how concise and understandable and germane, and how respectful the people were of the folks on the stage. It was refreshing to watch, and the candidates seemed to really seemed to work hard to be respectful back and actually answer the questions.
- It still feels early. It is only June, and it felt like it tonight.
- CNN may have stumbled on to an important precedent tonight. Their rule that the candidates had to answer the question asked, and could not talk about any other issue - or risk being cut off - helped keep the conversation more substantive. I hope all future debates follow that rule. All in all I thought the length - 2 hours - and novel format made this one much substantive and less scripted than usual. CNN deserves credit for improving on the form, though the two other non-Wolf journalists seemed to be an afterthought
- Did it seem like Wolk kept cutting Richardson off? Or was that my New Mexico sympathies playing out?
- Why was Lou Dodds allowed to play a major role in the coverage tonight? Is CNN unaware of how offensive he is to many Democrats?
All in all it was a good night for our democracy. We desperately need more open forums like this, where there can be honest, forthright discussion of the big issues facing the nation. CNN and the candidates did a good job. It will be interesting to see how it contrasts with the Republicans Tuesday night.
Be interested in hearing from you.