What a mess Bush is leaving all of us

It just doesn't stop.  Now we have the Walter Reed scandal.  Has there been an Administration in American history who has failed so utterly at the very basics of governing?

The list is incredible.  2000 days later and Osama is still on the loose, and is now regaining strength.  Iraq continues to cost American lives, money and prestige, without making us safer.  New evidence out this week showed Bush and his team blew it on North Korea, completely misreading what was happening there, and ended up making the confrontation much worse.  The systemic undermining of our civil liberties, including the condoning of torture, the undermining of the Geneva Convention, warentless spying on our citizens and the stripping of habeas corpus from all non-US citizens in the US, even legal immigrants and of course tourists.  Our military has been degraded.  Trillons have been added to our debt.  Our Department of Homeland Security remains badly led, unorganized and unprepared.  This age has seen the greatest systemic corruption of Congress and the federal branch in our history.  The minimum wage has been allowed to erode to its lowest level in 50 years, and now earns a family just $11,000 a year.  Wages have dropped.   More are uninsured, more are in poverty and family debt has hit historic levels.  Tens of millions of dollars spent on ads demonizing Hispanics, comparing them to Middle Eastern terrorists. Our relations with Latin America have eroded terribly.  And, perhaps most perniciously, the serial lying of our leaders about just about everything that has caused many to wonder about the integrity and the values of America itself. 

And of course there are all the big challenges unmet.  Funding the retirement of the baby boom.  Providing health insurance, and good health care, to all Americans. Global climate change.  Modernizing our schools and creating a 21st century strategy to help existing our existing workforce transition into the digital age.  Bringing broadband to all Americans.........

The Bush era, this era of compassionate convervatism, has been a disapointing and shameful period in our history.  The country is oh so ready to go to a new and better place, and is looking, desperately, for leaders to take us there.