Payroll Tax Cut includes Keystone Pipeline, Hearing on Production Tax Credits, NREL presents Systems Integration

House Republicans on Tuesday defied a White House veto threat to pass a version of a payroll tax cut extension that includes language demanding a quick decision on the Keystone XL pipeline and blocking EPA's boiler MACT. The measure passed 234 to 193, with 10 Democrats supporting the bill and 14 Republicans voting against it. 

Today the Senate Finance Subcommtittee on Energy, Natural Resources and Infrastructure is holding a hearing on "Alternative Energy Tax Incentives" The renewable energy community has put out a study from Navigant Consulting, which found that next year there will be 78,000 jobs supported by wind, but that this would fall to 41,000 in 2013 without an extension of the tax credit, which is 2.2 cents per kilowatt-hour.

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) has instituted a new energy systems integration facility (ESIF) currently underconstruction to take on the challenge of helping utilities keep the grid functioning as our national grid infrasturcture is challenged by integration of new generation technologies such as wind and solar power and smart meters are rolled out across the nation.


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