NDN Event Thursday- Crafting a New Economic Strategy for America
We just sent out this invite for an important, relevant event this Thursday. It's going to be very interesting, so I hope you can make it.
The last year has seen a broad, progressive campaign highlighting the ways in which this administration’s economic policies have left America weaker and stalled economic progress for most Americans. While a great deal of attention has been paid to the failure of the new conservative's foreign policy, it is now also clear that their economic strategy has failed. And voters agree. On November 7th, the American people delivered a clear and unmistakable mandate for action on the economy.
With Democrats now holding power in Congress and the 2008 elections looming, what should be the real economic priorities for progressives? What role did the economy play in the recent campaign? And with the American economy perhaps heading into a slowdown and the housing bubble continuing to deflate, what should be the Democrats' strategy for ensuring the broad-based prosperity the country needs?
To talk more about these issues, NDN’s Globalization Initiative has assembled a panel of prominent experts from respected progressive institutions, to look at what our priorities should be.
I hope you will join us this Thursday, November 30th for an important forum on the future of progressive economic policy. The forum will be held from 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm, at the Phoenix Park Hotel, 520 North Capitol Street, NW.
Our panelists will be:
- Rob Shapiro, Director, NDN Globalization Initiative - Moderator.
- Ross Eisenbrey, Vice President & Policy director, Economic Policy Institute.
- John Irons, Director of Tax and Budget Policy, Center for American Progress.
- Pete Brodnitz, Chief Strategist for Jim Webb and Harold Ford Jr.
Please join NDN for to discuss all this, as we and others attempt to craft a new economic strategy for America in the early days of the 21st century. RSVP to Tracy Leaman at tleaman@ndn.org or 202-842-7213. I hope you will join us.
- Travis Valentine's blog
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