Hais, Winograd in LA Times: "The Republican Party ignores young 'millennials' at its peril"

NDN Fellows Mike Hais and Morley Winograd have a powerful op-ed in the LA Times today.   It includes this passage:

Only 41% of all millennials were eligible to vote in 2008, yet their overwhelming support for Obama transformed his win from what would have been a squeaker into a solid victory. Obama's popular-vote margin over John McCain was about 9.5 million nationally; millennials accounted for nearly 7.6 million of those votes.

In the 2010 off-year election, half of millennials will be eligible to vote, representing about a fifth of the overall electorate. By 2012, 60% will be eligible to vote, and they could make up about a quarter of the American electorate when Obama runs for reelection. By 2020, when virtually all millennials will be over 18, they will represent 36% of the electorate and will completely dominate elections and the political agenda of America.

And it seems likely that this civic generation, like its "Greatest Generation" great-grandparents, will vote in big numbers. Turnout among voters under 30 has been rising steadily since millennials began to replace the alienated and more cynical Gen-Xers in this age group. From a low of 37% in 1996, turnout increased to 53% of all eligible millennials, and 59% in the key battleground states in 2008.

Their unity of opinion and their numbers will make millennials' preferences for economic activism, a non-intrusive approach to social issues by government at any level and a multilateral interventionism by America in foreign affairs the policy paths to political success during the next decade.

It is simply inconceivable that the Republican Party can craft a winning strategy between now and then that doesn't accommodate these ideas.

But so far, Republicans appear to be tone-deaf on the issues that millennials care about.

If you haven't bought their critically acclaimed book, Millennial Makeover: MySpace. YouTube and the Future of American Politics, buy the brand new paperback edition with an afterword that takes a fresh look at the 2008 elections.   It is an awfully good read.

Update: And if you want to come see Morley and Mike this Tuesday the 12th in San Francisco please come join us for an evening event which I will be moderating at the Hyatt just off the Embarcado.