Thursday Morning Roundup
Short one today, am traveling.
- The move by the Democrats to make raising the minimum wage a major issue in the campaign is a good one. As we've discussed in our globalization initiative, the average family is making $1,400 less today than five years ago. Costs like health care, college tuition, energy and interest payments have risen. It is has become much harder to make it in today economy. Faced with this, what is the governing party looking to do? Eliminate the estate tax for the very wealthiest Americans, and give themselves a pay increase.
This let them eat cake strategy of the governing party is unacceptable, and has left a vast opening for the Democrats. We clearly need to do more than raise the minimum wage, but this is a very good and important start. It says to those Americans struggling to get by that we know of your struggles and are working to make it better.
- The Times has an important piece showing how much Iran is behing the recent military actions against Israel. The Post previews the G-8, and the troubles following Bush there. Most papers today have stories about the Russians waning committment to democracy at home.
- USA Today has a front page piece on the efforts to mobilize Hispanics in response to the current immigration debate. It features El Cucuy, a powerful California based DJ at the very center of the education and mobilization effort. In our spring immigration radio campaign, NDN advertized extensively on Cucuy, and another vital DJ, El Piolin. In a related story, the Post had a must read piece about the rise of Spanish-language radio, now the 3rd most listened to radio format in America.
- Simon Rosenberg's blog
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