NDN Economic Backgrounder: Stimulus, the Next Expansion, and Clean Infrastructure
With negotiations on President Obama's economic recovery and reinvestment plan underway, we present much of NDN's key work on the economy, creating a stimulus for the long run, keeping people in their homes, and clean infrastructure:
- Analysis: Obama outreach to GOP a balancing act by Tom Raum, Associated Press, 1/28/2009 - Dr. Robert Shapiro warns against letting the stimulus package degenerate into "politics as usual."
- Clearing the Decks for the Next Expansion by Michael Moynihan, 1/26/2009 - Moynihan envisions the economic situation he would like to see in 2012 and lays out the policy steps necessary to get there.
- NDN: Economic Recovery Package Signals New Priorities, Development of a 21st Century Economy, 1/15/2009 - NDN applauded the new direction signaled in the draft release of President Obama's economic recovery plan that will invest in technology, clean infrastruture, and a low-carbon, 21st century economy.
- Clean Infrastructure: Transportation Policy for the 21st Century, 1/14/2009 - NDN's Green Project hosted this event on Capitol Hill with Congressman Earl Blumenauer, Chris Leinberger, and Bob Peck on creating a transportation policy aimed at creating a low-carbon, 21st century economy.
- Politics and the Economic Crisis by Dr. Robert Shapiro, 1/9/2009 - Shapiro argues that, for an economic recovery plan to be effective, we must also address the underlying causes of the "Great Recession," including the housing crisis.
- Getting the Stimulus Right by Michael Moynihan, 1/6/2009 - Moynihan makes a number of suggestions for ensuring that the upcoming, record-size stimulus package is a success, including a board to oversee the vast expenditures.
- More Ideas for the Stimulus: Free Computer Training for All Americans by Simon Rosenberg, 12/14/2008 - Rosenberg argues that successfully transitioning America and its people to a technology-rich economy is one of the incoming President's most daunting challenges, and one he seems to understand.
- The Global Economic Crisis and Future Ambassadorial Appointments by Simon Rosenberg, 11/26/2008 - With the mammoth task of rebuilding international financial architecture and recovering from a global recession awaiting the new President, Rosenberg points out the the ambassadors to the G20 nations will be key members of the economic team.
- A Vision for a Modernized Electric Grid: Clean Infrastructure for a 21st Century Economy,
11/18/2008 - NDN's Green Project hosted this discussion with Congressmen Jay Inslee and Earl Blumenauer, FERC Comissioner Jon Wellinghoff, Kurt Yeager, and Reid Detchon on the benefits of modernizing the nation's electric grid as part of a clean infrastructure agenda.
- A Stimulus for the Long Run by Simon Rosenberg and Dr. Robert Shapiro, 11/14/2008 – This important essay lays out the now widely agreed-upon argument that the upcoming economic stimulus package must include investments in the basic elements of growth for the next decade, including elements that create a low-carbon, energy-efficient economy.
- Accelerating the Development of a 21st Century Economy: Investing in Clean Infrastructure by Michael Moynihan, 10/18/2008 – NDN Green Project Director Michael Moynihan outlines a strategy for investing in clean infrastructure that will help create long-term prosperity.
- Back to Basics: The Treasury Plan Won't Work by Dr. Robert Shapiro, 9/24/2008 - As the financial crisis unfolded and the Bush Administration offered its response, Shapiro argued that, while major action was needed, the Treasury's plan would be ineffective.
- Keep People in Their Homes by Simon Rosenberg and Dr. Robert Shapiro, 9/23/2008 – At the beginning of the financial collapse, NDN offered this narrative-shaping essay and campaign on the economic need to stabilize the housing market.
- Making the Struggle of Every Day People the Central Focus of the National Debate by Simon Rosenberg, 8/17/2008 - As the 2008 presidential campaign entered a crucial phase, Rosenberg argued that political leaders must focus on raising the wages and incomes of Americans.
- The Green Economic Opportunity and Energy and the American Way of Life, 8/1/2008 - This two-part event featured an address from U.S. Senate Assistant Majority Leader Dick Durbin on the benefits of a low-carbon economy and Roger Efird, Greg Kats, Jack Hidary, and Shyam Kannan discussing green buildings and clean technology.
- Solar Energy: The Case for Action by Michael Moynihan, 8/1/2008 – This major paper on the dynamic solar industry argues that accelerating the deployment of solar energy must become a top economic policy priority of the United States.
- Trading in the Trading Down Economy by Michael Moynihan, 7/11/2008 - As economic activity trended downward, Moynihan argued for an economic vision that both moved America beyond the recession and positioned the country for long term prosperity.
- The Idea-Based Economy and Globalization: The Real Foundations of American Prosperity in the 21st Century by Dr. Robert Shapiro, 1/23/2008 – In this important paper, NDN Globalization Initiative Chair Dr. Robert Shapiro examines how and why U.S. companies and workers lead the world in developing and applying new intellectual property, and why this leadership in innovation
constitutes a critical U.S. advantage in globalization.
- Investing in Our Common Future: U.S. Infrastructure by Michael Moynihan, 11/13/2007 - This far-reaching paper proposes a set of measures rebuild and advance our aging infrastructure. These proposals include a GREEN Act to require that federal infrastructure and buildings meet a higher set of environmental standards that not only address issues such as global warming but also establish American leadership in green technologies.
- Tapping the Resources of America's Community Colleges: A Modest Proposal to Provide Universal Access to Computer Training by Dr. Robert Shapiro, 7/26/2007 – This innovative proposal details how every American can have access to computer training, thereby upgrading the skills of the nation’s workforce.
- The New Landscape of Globalization: The Real Foundations of American Prosperity in the 21st Century by Dr. Robert Shapiro, 6/20/2007 – Shapiro offers this forward-looking paper on the current state of globalization and how America can thrive in this new economic era.
- A Laptop in Every Backpack by Simon Rosenberg and Alec Ross, 5/1/2007 – Rosenberg and the One Economy Corporation’s Ross offer a modest proposal for putting a laptop in the backpack of every American sixth grader, as connectivity to and facility with the global communications network are essential for success in the 21st century.
- Video: SEIU President Andy Stern speaks to NDN about the New Landscape of Globalization, 6/20/2007
For more of NDN's 21st century economic strategy for America, please visit our Globalization Initiative page.
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