Thursday New Tools Feature: The Revolution Will Be Televised
In Tracy's post today, she includes this powerful ad that aired after the presidential debate last night:
The ad was created through a service called Here is the description of the service from their site: is a website that gives individuals the opportunity to use TV to make an enormous difference in their politics, in their local community... and beyond. The 2008 election is just around the corner and the Internet has enabled bloggers of every affiliation to become as powerful in political circles as candidates, journalists and pundits. wants to further empower citizens by letting them make their voices heard on TV as well as the Internet. Sign up for, choose an ad featuring your candidate or issue of choice, select a network, and personalize your ad. With just a few simple clicks, you can put an ad on TV! Then you can distribute or embed your personalized ads anywhere on the Internet.
I think this may have been the most emotionally effective ad I've seen in this entire election cycle, and it was created by an ordinary person with a video camera. I think that is a truly amazing thing, and a real vindication and confirmation of what we've been saying about Reimagining Video and the End of Broadcast. This is truly people-powered politics at its best.
- Dan Boscov-Ellen's blog
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