Friday Buzz: The Worsening Financial Crisis, McCain's Hispanic Problem, and More

The plummeting financial markets dominated the news this week, and NDN was there to provide guidance and cogent, insightful analysis. Rob was quoted in the Associated Press in an article that was reprinted in hundreds of sources across the country. Rob was also featured extensively in The American Prospect's blog, Tapped, and Michael had a great piece in the Huffington Post blog called "Fear and Reason on Wall Street."

Despite the financial crisis, the NDN team still broke through in other areas as well. Our recent poll of Hispanics in battleground states was covered in the Huffington Post, and Simon was quoted on Hispanics in American politics in Politico, as well as in a great new PBS documentary, "Latinos '08." 

Our affiliate, the New Policy Institute, also garnered a lot of attention this week; its Spanish-language voter education and mobilization campaign, Adelante '08, was covered in Politico, The Las Vegas Review-Journal, MetroLatinoUSA, and Latinovations.