Quick '08 Update
This is going to be a quick post since we've got our LAPI event today, but here are a few things worth mentioning:
- As my Mom just reminded me, Michelle Obama is about to be a guest co-host on ABC's The View, an appearance that should do well to counter Pew numbers reported on CNN:
In the latest Pew research poll conducted June 13 through 16, 78
percent have heard a least a little bit about the wife of Barack Obama,
but up to 26 percent of those said the coverage of Michelle Obama has
been mostly negative. In contrast, 54 percent of those surveyed claim
to know a little bit about Cindy McCain and of those polled 31 percent
say the coverage they have seen has been mostly positive, while only 7
percent felt she has been represented negatively.
- Rudy Giuliani is back with his favorite subject: terrorism. As Josh Marshall points out, Rudy is now a surrogate for the McCain campaign on terrorism.
- Barack Obama has over one million supporters on Facebook. In comparison, John McCain has about 147,000 supporters. (Let's not get started on the RNC Facebook numbers...)
- Continuing along a theme that Simon has been covering, the New York Times has a really fascinating article on the Obama effect on the consciousness of France's black population. (It would've been really interesting to see what Césaire would've written about Obama...)
- Travis Valentine's blog
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