McCain employs new tools to reach out

This post is a follow-up to a prior post from April covering online advertisements in the 2008 campaign.

To show how new technologies are playing a role in the political process, Nielsen recently analyzed the web traffic of the presidential campaigns. A noteworthy part of its analysis is the McCain campaign's impressive online advertising campaign. From PC World:

While he only pulled in 58,000 unique Web visitors in August, Sen. John McCain's (R.-Ariz.) online advertising effort topped all other candidates. McCain had 4.3 million sponsored link impressions in August, followed by Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D.-Ohio) with 1.8 million sponsored links, Romney with 1.7 million and Clinton with 522,000, Nielsen/NetRatings reported.

4.3 million sponsored links?! That just goes to show the power of technology in maximizing your reach for a reasonable price. Of course, this is something we at the New Politics Institute have been discussing for quite some time.