NDN in the News
NDN has received an awful lot of press coverage in the past few days and we wanted to take a quick moment to share some of it with you. In addition to the print coverage below, we were also featured on Channel 4 WFOR, WTVJ, Noticias 23 - WLTV-TV, Channel 33 - Miami, and WBZL:
Smiley: GOP candidates ignore minorities, 9/14/07, USA Today
Hispanics are changing the face of U.S. politics, 9/12/07, Miami Herald
Record High Tune to Univision, 9/11/07, Washington Post
Mel Martinez Under Fire, 9/11/07, Washington Times
Sostienen que los republicanos pierden terreno entre hispanos, 9/10/07, El Nuevo Herald
The Dems’ Fight for Latino Loyalties, 9/10/07, Newsweek
Univision Presidential Debate: Media, Migrants translating power, 9/10/07, Of América
His Task: Sell Hispanics on GOP, 9/9/07, Washington Post
GOP candidates snub Univision, 9/9/07, Politico
Democrats woo Cuban-Americans in landmark Spanish debate, 9/9/07, South Florida Sun-Sentinel
Democratas acusan a Republicanos de abandoner a los hispano, 9/9/07, El Nuevo Herald
Todos los ojos sobre Miami, 9/8/07, El Nuevo Hearld
Candidates target Hispanic voters, 9/8/07, Home News Tribune
Dems' bilingual debate 'a historic moment', 9/8/2007, Miami Herald
Democratic Candidates Court Latino Voters, 9/7/07, ABC News
Univision debate and the Hispanic vote, 9/7/07, Miami Herald
Sen. Dodd wants to end Cuba embargo, 9/7/07, Miami Herald
Spanish Is Not the Issue, 9/7/07, Washington Post
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