Time to stand with Senators Reid and Kennedy

The critical debate over how to best fix our broken immigration system entered an important new phase yesterday. At a press conference in the Capitol, a group of Senate Democrats, led by the courageous Harry Reid, did just what the President asked for in his State of the Union address - they introduced comprehensive immigration reform legislation. The bill that was introduced is the same bill that passed the Senate last year with 62 votes, including 23 Republicans. Known as Hagel-Martinez, the bill is based on the McCain-Kennedy legislation.

This smart bill, which goes a long way to solving this vexing national problem, had the support of leading Republicans - President Bush, National GOP Chairman Mel Martinez, and leading Senators John McCain, Mitch McConnell, and Chuck Hagel. The coalition supporting this bill includes the Chamber of Commerce, leading labor unions, the Catholic Church and elements of important Protestant dominations, and many of the nation's leading immigrant rights groups. It is a good bill, one that received broad bi-partisan support, and was able to muster a deep and broad coalition behind it.

By offering a bill that received so much Republican support last year, Senator Reid is showing that he wants to work with the Republicans to get this done. Next week the Senate will debate this bill. Our hope is that Republican leaders, including the President, will join Senator Reid and work to pass a bill that will go a long way to solving our nation's broken immigration system.

As we have been for the last two years, NDN will be working hard in these critical days to keep the bi-partisan momentum on immigration reform going. Our community has spent millions of dollars and contributed an amazing amount of time to this battle. It now enters a critical phase, and I hope all of you will join us in encouraging your Senators to stand with Senator Reid in solving this important 21st century challenge.