Simon Rosenberg Presents at Forum on Open Internet, Innovation and Economic Development
On Wednesday, March 3rd, the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies will host a media and technology forum on Open Internet, Innovation, and Economic Development. NDN President Simon Rosenberg will be a panelist at this important event.
The open Internet debate has traditionally focused on how policies should govern the relationship between network managers and high bandwidth users. However, it is imperative to understand whether and how open Internet principles may spur economic growth by stimulating entrepreneurship amongst millions of minorities and low-income Americans. Bringing together thought leaders at the intersection of technology, innovation, multiculturalism and economic development, the Forum will expand the open Internet debate to consider the potential of open Internet principles to increase global participation by more Americans.
NDN President Simon Rosenberg is pleased to join for a discussion Robert Atkinson (ITIF), Joseph S. Miller, (Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies), Michael Powell (Former FCC Chairman & Co-Chair, Broadband for America) and Catherine Sandoval (Santa Clara Law School) on the 2nd panel called, "What Are The Economic Aspects of Open Internet Principles and How Should They Inform Policies Affecting Underserved Communities?"
This event will be held at the National Press Club
Holeman Lounge
529 14th Street N.W., 13th Floor
Washington, DC 20045
To register for this event, please email
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