Simon Rosenberg Presents: The Dawn of a New Politics

On Thursday, December 17th, you're invited to have lunch at NDN while Simon Rosenberg presents his famous and enormously worthwhile presentation "The Dawn of a New Politics." If you plan to join us at NDN, please RSVP. If you can't have lunch at NDN, have lunch with NDN by tuning in at 12:15 for our live webcast.

Once a month over lunch you can see Simon's presentation "The Dawn of a New Politics," either in person here at NDN or live online. This engaging presentation makes a big argument about how politics is changing in America today, and offers ideas and strategies for how progressives can replicate our 20th century success in this new and dynamic century. Simon constantly updates his slides to include the latest in media, demography and politics.

In the last several years, Simon has presented "The Dawn of a New Politics" across the world and to a diverse range of audences: At the DNC in Denver, twice for the House Democratic Caucus, on the Google campus, before Members and staff of the DSCC and DAGA, to the National Conference of State Legislatures, and at the Tokyo Foundation in Japan, among many other gatherings.

Clikc here to check out recent essays from Simon and to preview some of his arguments in the Dawn of a New Politics

Event Date: 
Thursday, December 17, 2009 - 7:15am


729 15th St., NW Event Space, 1st Floor
Washington , DC 20005
United States