The Chair of our Globalization Initiative, Dr. Robert Shapiro, and I issued the following statement tonight:
We congratulate the Obama Administration and the South Korean government on today’s announcement on the U.S.-Korea Free Trade agreement. This agreement is in the interests of both the American and Korean people and their economies. South Korea’s strong growth has long made it an attractive economic partner, and we are pleased that that the American people and businesses will have better access to the South Korean market.
The 21st century has already been defined by a changing global economy. It is the task of America’s political leadership and economic policymakers to position the American economy for success as new economic powers rise. This agreement does just that by helping to grow American businesses and creating jobs for American workers at a time when they are sorely needed. We commend the Obama Administration for negotiating an agreement that promotes the interests of all stakeholders and levels the playing field for American goods and services.
America’s prosperity – now more than ever – rests on our ability to provide global economic leadership. Furthermore, the Korean peninsula’s security challenges, epitomized by recent events, make it all the more important that the US government stake clear ground about our interests in Asia. NDN remains committed to promoting such leadership, and will work to ensure speedy congressional passage of this agreement.