Ambassador Aleman

Panamanian Ambassador Aleman and Congressman Engel Discuss Bilateral Relations this Thursday

On March 4th at 11:45am, please join NDN's Latin American Policy Initiative Chair, Nelson Cunningham, Panamanian Ambassador Jaime E. Aleman, and Congressman Eliot Engel for a conversation on the challenges and opportunities in the relationship between the United States and Panama, and a unique perspective on bilateral relations.

The purpose of this series is to establich an ongoing dialogue to better inform those interested in Latin American policy.

As many of you know, this event was originally scheduled for February 11th but was rescheduled due to the inclement weather in Washington, DC.

Space is limited for this event, so please RSVP as soon as you can to reserve a spot.  We will serve lunch at 12:00pm, and the discussion will begin at 12:15pm.  The event will take place at 2255 Rayburn in the Capitol Complex.

For more information of if you have questions, please contact Sarah Sanchez at

A Conversation with the Panamanian Ambassador
Thursday, March 4, 11:45am
2255 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Click Here to RSVP


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