21st Century American Project

Announcing our "21st Century America Project"

For years the team at NDN/NPI has been a leader in helping policymakers better understand the changing demographics of the United States. Today, we take that commitment one step further.

I am excited to announce that we are bringing our demographic and public opinion research together under a single banner: the 21st Century America Project. The project will feature work by NDN Senior Vice President, Andres Ramirez, the primary author of much of our recent research in the Hispanic community; Morley Winograd and Mike Hais, NDN/NPI Fellows, authors of the critically acclaimed book Millenial Makeover; Alicia Menendez, our new Senior Advisor, who has extensive experience working in these emergent communities; and other NDN/NPI Fellows and collaborators.

NDN is proud to continue our tradition of offering our members, the general public and policymakers prescient demographic and electoral analysis. In years past we were among the first to discuss the growing power of the domestic US Hispanic community, among the first to discuss how our very concept of race is changing as America hurtles towards becoming a majority-minority nation; and among the first to welcome the end of the “Southern Strategy of American politics” and the emergence of a new national electoral map.

In 2006, we funded research on the rising potential of the largest generation in American history, the Millennials. The results from that research were in the words of our Millennial experts, Mike Hais and Morley Winograd, “so eye-popping” that they were inspired to write a book on the matter. Two years later, that book, Millennial Makeover, went on to become a New York Times Favorite Book of 2008. Since then we have been tracking and studying this emerging constituency.

To take a look at some of our past 21st Century America Project highlights, please visit our website and continue to look for this new project in the months ahead. Thanks to all of you who made this exciting part of our work here at NDN/NPI possible.

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