Fixing Our Broken Immigration System

Since 2007, NDN has a demonstrated commitment to achieving a sensible immigration system that reflects the needs of the 21st century. NDN began to fight for reform by investing in a Spanish-language radio and television media campaign designed to counter anti-immigrant campaigns.  In addition to reaching out to media outlets, NDN has regularly hosted forums with members of Congress to discuss proposals to fix our current broken immigration system. Through research and polling, conducted most recently among voters in Colorado, Florida, Nevada, and New Mexico, NDN has found that a majority of Americans support a legislative overhaul to fix the broken immigration system, as opposed to passing limited enforcement measures.  

Below, please find some past highlights of our work on immigration reform:



NDN's Immigration Blog

2010 Highlights

Senator Robert Menendez's Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2010 Summary

NDN Statement on New Immigration Framework

Immigration Reform Enters a New Phase by Simon Rosenberg

Commentary on Arizona Bill by Alicia Menendez

2009 Highlights

Presentation: Making the Case for Passing Comprehensive Immigration Reform this Year

7 Reasons Why Congress Should Pass Comprehensive Immigration Reform this Year by Simon Rosenberg

Video: Simon Rosenberg makes his case on why congress should pass CIR

Event: Politics & Policy: What to Expect from the Immigration Debate

Video: NDN Forum on Immigration Reform

The Census and Immigration Reform by Simon Rosenberg

Senator Kennedy and CIR by Andres Ramirez

2007 - 2008 Highlights

Event: "Immigration Reform and the Next Administration" - at the DNC in Denver

Polling: Immigration Polling in battleground states

A Responsible Immigration Policy by Simon Rosenberg

Can Democrats Seize the Opportunity the Immigration Debate Offers Them? by Simon Rosenberg

Event: NDN Bicameral Event for CIR


Thomas R. Delaney, USAID, On The Improved Cooperation Between Mexico and the United States

See video

NDN was at the Border Security Conference In El Paso, TX, while there we sat down with members of the border community for a series of video interviews.

TODAY Simon Rosenberg to Speak at CHCI Summit on “Border Economy as a Model for the Twenty-First Century"

Today, Simon Rosenberg, President of NDN and The New Policy Institute, will speak at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Public Policy Conference.  Simon will be talking at a summit on how border economies can be used as a model for the 21st century.

This summit will explore the current strengths and challenges facing the U.S.-Mexico border economies and what is needed to bring economic prosperity and peace to the region.  Ideas, policies, and actions are needed in the U.S. Mexico and Latin American region that have the long term interest of the entire region and its millions of peoples. This discussion will also address the current security and immigration situation in these highly integrated economies and societies.

NDN/NPI believes in promoting the idea of the 21st Century Border, as such we have created a YouTube page and written a report touting a new and more harmonious border region.

YouTube Page  NDN/NPI 21st Century Border YouTube Page
Report The U.S. Mexico Border Strategy Is Working

Again Simon will be speaking on today at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Public Policy Conference  from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The conference will be held at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center Room 150 A.

Simon Rosenberg to Speak at CHCI Summit on “Border Economy as a Model for the Twenty-First Century"

Simon Rosenberg, President, NDN and The New Policy Institute will be speaking at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Public Policy Conference.  Simon will be talking at a summit brought together to discuss how “Border Economies can be used as a Model for the Twenty-First Century.”

This summit will explore the current strengths and challenges facing the U.S.-Mexico border economies and what is needed to bring economic prosperity and peace to the region.  Ideas, policies, and actions are needed in the U.S. Mexico and Latin American region that have the long term interest of the entire region and its millions of peoples. This discussion will address the current security and immigration situation in these highly integrated economies and societies.

Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Public Policy Conference

Monday, September 12, 2011
11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Walter E. Washington Convention Center
801 Mount Vernon Place, NW
Washington, DC 20001
Room 150 A

Simon Rosenberg to Speak at CHCI Summit on “Border Economy as a Model for the Twenty-First Century"

On Monday, September 12th, Simon Rosenberg, President of NDN and The New Policy Institute, will be speaking at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Public Policy Conference.  Simon will be discussing how border economies can be used as a model for the 21st century.

This summit will explore the current strengths and challenges facing the U.S.-Mexico border economies and what is needed to bring economic prosperity and peace to the region.  Ideas, policies, and actions are needed in the U.S. Mexico and Latin American region that have the long term interest of the entire region and its millions of peoples. This discussion will also address the current security and immigration situation in these highly integrated economies and societies.

NDN/NPI believes in promoting the idea of the 21st Century Border, as such we have created a YouTube page and written a report touting a new and more harmonious border region.

YouTube Page  NDN/NPI 21st Century Border YouTube Page
Report The U.S. Mexico Border Strategy Is Working

Again Simon will be speaking on Monday, September 12, 2011 at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Public Policy Conference  from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The conference will be held at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center Room 150 A.

VIDEO: The Important Economic Bond Between The United States and Mexico

Two weeks ago, NDN/NPI participated in the Office of Congressman Silvestre Reyes' and The University of Texas at El Paso's (UTEP) Eighth Annual Border Security Conference, and the Southwest Border Mayors meeting, both in El Paso Texas.

While there, we were able to sit down with Nelson Balido, President of the Border Trade Alliance and Adam Salerno, Director of National Security & Emergency Preparedness Department at the Chamber of Commerce to talk about the importance of the US-Mexico border.

In his interview, Salerno contextualizes the importance of the United States relationship with Mexico by noting that United States exports, creating 1.7 million jobs domestically a year.

Nelson Balido, adds that jobs in Mexico equal jobs in the United States.

Balido also notes that a billion dollars crosses the border a day, and this also creates jobs in the United States.

At the end of the video above, Balido notes that the real long term gain for increasing legal trade and movement of people across the border will be seen in the tourism industry. Salerno seconds this view and adds that what we really need now is a comprehensive overhaul of our immigration system that will enhance the legal movement of people into the United States.

VIDEO: Michael Gomez, Mayor of Douglas, Arizona - How The Southwest Border Has Become Safer

NDN/NPI was fortunate enough to participate in the Office of Congressman Silvestre Reyes' and The University of Texas at El Paso's (UTEP) eighth annual Border Security Conference, and the Southwest Border Mayors meeting both in El Paso Texas.

While there we sat down to talk with the Mayor of Douglas, AZ Dr. Michael Gomez about the changes he has seen along the border between Mexico and the United States along the Arizona sector.

Mayor Gomez contextualized what is happening in Arizona by talking about how both the San Diego and El Paso border sectors where brought under control and what that has meant for the safety of the Arizona sector.

In the video above Mayor Gomez is referring to Operation Hold The Line and Operation Gatekeeper respectively. Both of these programs were successful in making the El Paso and San Diego sectors safer. In Arizona they are employing Operation SafeGuard and it is showing real results.


The Los Angeles Times has an article up here which sheds further light on how border safety has been ramped up over the last 20 years. The article notes that the Federal Government spent:

"$206 million this year to bolster the campaign against illegal immigrants all along the border with Mexico. In Arizona, the project is called Operation Safeguard and in Texas and parts of New Mexico it is Operation Hold the Line."

NDN's own recent report on the current Administrations Border strategy, has released $600 million on border safety. Over the past ten years the U.S. has spent $90 billion dollars on border security. Which has actually created record low crime rates along the border. This has led some to call the Southwest Border region the safest place in America.

VIDEO: New 21st Century Border YouTube Featuring International Mayors, Administration Officials, and Border Experts

NDN/NPI was fortunate enough to participate in the Office of Congressman Silvestre Reyes' and The University of Texas at El Paso's (UTEP) eighth annual Border Security Conference, and the Southwest Border Mayors meeting both in El Paso Texas.

While there we were able to sit down with leaders from Mexico and the United States to discuss safety issues in the region, the critical importance of the geo-political relationship between the United States and Mexico, the growing economic power of exports and imports from Mexico, and the need to pass comprehensive immigration reform to foster the legal movement of people into and out of the country.

Below are a list of border leaders featured on the NDN/NPI 21st Century Border YouTube page. Each link below will take you to each individual interview playlist.  These playlists consist of the full interviews broken out into several different YouTube videos for a more digestible viewing experience.

Border Mayors Interviewed

Juan Carlos Escamilla, Mayor of San Luis, AZ
Madeleine Praino, Mayor of Vinton, TX
Ken Miyagishima, Mayor Of Las Cruces, NM
Hector Murgia, Mayor of Juarez, MX
Jose Rodriguez, State Senator, El Paso, TX
Michael Gomez, Mayor Of Douglas, AZ
Carlos Bustamonte. Mayor of Tijuana, MX
Andres Silva, Mayor Of Deming, NM

Administration Officials

Ron Kirk, United States Trade Rep
Thomas R. Delaney, Mission Director Mexico, USAID

Border Experts

Adam Salerno, Chamber Of Commerce
Nelson Balido, President, Border Trade Alliance
Paul Teeple, Director, AGanar, Partners For The Americas

VIDEO: Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano On New Deportation Guidlines

While touring Auburn University's Canine Detection Center in Alabama, Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano, talked to CBS 42 TV, about the recent change in Deportation Guidelines and the continued struggle over state passed immigration enforcement laws. The video is below:


Kristian Ramos On Fox Talking About Arizona's Supreme Court Suit

Kristian Ramos on Fox News online debating Mark Kirkorian, Center For Immigration Studies on Arizona Supreme Court suit.

Kristian Ramos On Fox Talking About Alabamas Immigration Law

This week the Justice Department filed suit on Alabama's SB1070 copy cat law. Today I was on Fox News debating the merits of the suit the clip is below:

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