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Update: Obama on Facebook

The Facebook group "Barack Obama (One Million Strong for Barack)", which we first posted on four weeks and three days ago, now has 294,875 members, an increase of 178,627 people. NPI Fellow Joe Trippi recognized the mobilizing potential of mediums like Facebook in the Washington Post, saying:

"It took [the Dean for President] campaign six months to get 139,000 people on an e-mail list," Trippi said. "It took one Facebook group, what, barely a month to get 200,000? That's astronomical."

For more information on NDN's coverage of the 2008 Presidential election, click here.

Romney on Abortion

Following up on a post from yesterday, check out the video below from 2002 which shows Mitt discussing his views on abortion.

For more information on NDN's coverage of the 2008 Presidential election, click here.

Hillary on immigration reform

According to an article in the Miami Herald, Hillary Clinton touched on immigration reform yesterday in Liberty City, FL, saying:

"Let's bring them out of the shadows,'' Clinton said. "If they're criminals, let's deport them, but for all the others, let's give them a path to legalization. But don't let them jump the line over people who have been waiting legally.''

For more information on NDN's coverage of the 2008 Presidential election, click here.

"Hillcast" brings the conversation to your iPod

In hopes of "keeping the conversation going", Hillary Clinton is launching weekly "HillCasts" to those who want to know what she's thinking. Her website says you can discuss the HillCast on blogHillary, and you can get HillCast updates. Let's see: Blogs? Check. iPod/new technology related outreach? Check. Video? (Hillary TV) Check. Spanish-language media? Mobile outreach? We'll see...But either way, it seems obvious that Hillary is embracing technology to the utmost.

Below is an e-mail about the latest HillCast on Iraq.

For more information on NDN's coverage of the 2008 Presidential election, click here.


Right now, there isn't one of us who isn't thinking about Iraq. That's why I went there recently: to meet with the commanders on the ground, to talk with Iraqi leaders, and to speak to the men and women who are fighting this war so heroically.

I came back even more determined to stop the president's escalation of troops into Iraq and to start the redeployment of troops out of Iraq. So I outlined a plan, and on Friday, I introduced it to Congress as the Iraq Troop Protection and Reduction Act.

My plan accomplishes a number of goals. It stops the president's escalation. It protects our troops by making sure they aren't sent to Iraq without all of the equipment and training they need. It puts an end to the blank check for the Iraqi government. It calls for an international conference to bring other countries together to help forge a stable future for Iraq. Finally, my plan would begin a phased redeployment of our troops out of Iraq. I've been pushing for this for almost two years.

For more details about my plan, please watch Friday's HillCast, the first of what I hope will be a regular series of web broadcasts:


The Iraq Troop Protection and Reduction Act is a roadmap out of Iraq. I hope the president takes this road. If he does, he should be able to end the war before he leaves office. But let's not kid ourselves. From everything we've seen, this president is going down a very different path. He's fighting to escalate the war, not to end it.

I know we're at the start of a presidential campaign, but I think all Democrats should be focused on working together to push the president to change course. We have to end this war in a smart way, not a Republican or a Democratic way, but a way that makes us safer and gets our troops home as soon as possible. That's what I'll be fighting for.

But let me be clear, if George Bush doesn't end this war before he leaves office, when I'm president, I will.

Please watch the HillCast for more details of my plan:


Hillary Rodham Clinton

Selling your ideals for 1600

With a catchy Hollywood title, this op-ed from the Washington Post points out how Mitt Romney's twists and turns (I refuse to say flip-flopping) are a sad reality along the road to the White House. As Richard Cohen points out:

But I do suggest that his craven crawl toward the White House shows a man of obvious talents and experience who illustrates how broken our system is. Why should anyone have to tailor his beliefs to get past ideological bottlenecks in the early primary states? For Republicans, it's the religious right; for Democrats, it's economic pressure groups such as teachers unions. The rest of us can only stand by, helpless, waiting for extremists to pick a man or woman on the basis of issues that mean less to us -- not the war in Iraq, for instance, but gay civil unions.

Fighting the urge to fully disprove the comparisons between Romney to Ripley (I hope), check out this video below from Romney's site.

For more information on NDN's coverage of the 2008 Presidential election, click here.

The Six Degrees of Mark Penn?

Sorry Kevin Bacon, but you've met your match. This Washington Post article features a profile of Mark Penn (strategist to Sen. Hillary Clinton/global CEO) and shows us just how incredibly well-connected Penn is and how that might affect Clinton.

For more information on NDN's coverage of the 2008 Presidential election, click here.

AZ Democrats oppose troop surge

According to an article in the Tucson Citizen, nine senators and twenty-six representatives of the Arizona State Legislature have signed a letter opposing the Bush administration's plan to send more troops to Iraq.

techPresident keeps tabs on 2008 web strategies

Personal Democracy Forum has a new group blog called techPresident that reports on how campaigns are both using and affected by new tools. Among other things, it tracks the number of MySpace friends each candidate has (FYI - Sen. Obama leads the pack).

Children and immigration

There are two very interesting (but different) articles on how immigration is affecting young children and teenagers. First, the LA Times brings attention to the fact that children are being held in detention centers with their parents who have entered or are living here illegally. Then, The Sacremento Bee has an article on how the youth are expressing their concern over Governor Schwarzenegger's comments on illegal immigration and the unwillingness of some to assimilate.

The guest worker argument

Janet Murguía had a fascinating op-ed in Sunday's Washington Post on the relevance/importance of a guest worker program in comprehensive immigration reform legislation.

Learn more about NDN's work on immigration on our website.

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