Leader: Stocking the Cabinet
- You might be forgiven for thinking that President-elect Obama was about finished picking his cabinet. In fact, not one official announcement has been made. However! It appears certain that Tom Daschle will be named Secretary of Health and Human Services, and everyone seems to think this is a swell idea. Some are calling Daschle's position a "health care czar," and it is certainly an indication that health care reform will be high on Obama's agenda.
- Likewise, it seems very likely at this point that AZ Governor Janet Napolitano will be the new Director of Homeland Security. She has been lauded for her handling of immigration issues in her home state, and her appointment to the position could signal Obama's intent to get serious about comprehensive immigration reform.
- With Hillary seeming increasingly inevitable as Secretary of State, and Eric Holder closing in on the top job at Justice, many are grumbling that Obama has abandoned his commitment to "Change," and is filling his cabinet with former Clinton officials. Surprise! Even Barack thinks experience matters, and he's picking his cabinet using the same criteria as every other president, ever.
- In another deeply miserable day on Wall Street, stocks plunged five percent, and the Dow closed below 8,000 for the first time since early 2003. Taking pity on us all, Andy Kessler writes in the WSJ that we should just put wax in our ears and ignore the market for a few months-- it's not behaving efficiently right now. Consider it done, Andy.
- The NY Times is careful to remind readers of the grim danger of deflation, which was the phantom behind the Great Depression. This specter raised its head yesterday on reports that consumer prices had fallen one percent in October-- the biggest drop in history. While falling prices might seem like good news for consumers, they are an "economist's nightmare."
- The Democratic Steering committee voted yesterday by a three-vote margin to recommend replacing Rep. John Dingell with Rep. Henry Waxman as leader of the House Energy and Commerce Committee. The vote will go to the whole caucus this morning.
- The California Supreme Court has agreed to hear legal challenges to Proposition 8-- the ballot measure prohibiting gay marriage.
- Mike Tomasky looked at the group of old, white men speaking on behalf of the Republican caucus yesterday, and wondered if they felt embarrassed about being a group of old, white men.
- John Alter thinks Barack Obama should keep his personal Blackberry, so as to maintain a connection to the world beyond the White House. Abraham Lincoln did it (albeit sans Blackberry).
- At last, Missouri blew it. The state was officially called for McCain yesterday; this is the first time the notorious bellwether went for the loser since 1956.
- An American drone fired missiles inside Pakistani territory yesterday, reportedly killing five militants. The Pakistani government has not yet commented, but protests have sprung up already at the invasion of sovereignty.
- Piracy update: The buccaneers want $25 million in exchange for the Saudi oil tanker they've hijacked. States around the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden are convening an emergency meeting to figure out what to do about this problem.
One More Thing
- Barack gave Joe Biden birthday cupcakes yesterday. He was one day early.
- Guess how many states have all-Republican delegations to congress? Hint: It's not very many.
- Last, Dana Milbank is not only a top-notch reporter, but happens to be a very funny guy, as well. Here's the latest edition of his Washington Sketch, commenting on the mayhem on the Hill.
If you come across an article, blog post, video or anything else you think should be in the Daily Roundup, send it to me, and I'll try to get it in. Thanks!