The President issued Congress an economic To Do list. The five points of the plan:
1. Reward companies who bring jobs back to the U.S. with lower taxes and pay for it by eliminating tax incentives for companies to ship jobs overseas.
2. Cut red tape so hard working, responsible homeowners who are paying their mortgage can refinance at today’s lower rates.
3. Help hard working small business owners create jobs by giving them a tax credit for new hires.
4. Invest in American clean energy manufacturers who create American jobs through innovation of new technologies and new fuels that reduce our reliance on foreign oil and lead to more secure energy sources.
5. Ensure our commitment to our veterans is as strong as they are by creating a Veterans Job Corps that helps hire veterans as cops, firefighters, and serving their communities.
Gas prices continue their downward slide, but that won't stop Republicans from attacking him on energy.
Speaking of energy, conservative groups are launching an orchestrated effort against wind power.
An analysis by Bloomberg indicates Democratic Presidents create more jobs than their Republican counterparts.
The Department of Treasury has some excellent graphs that illustrate economic growth.
The Washington Post's Fact Checker takes Governor Romney to task for his outrageous claims about monthly job creation.
Borrowers that want to take advantage of low interest rates are finding banks less than helpful.
Jared Bernstein asked his readers for thoughts on how to improve economic policy for advanced economies.