NDN Blog

Democratic Presidential Candidates Debate Tonight on CNN

Tonight, the Congressional Black Caucus Institute and CNN will host a debate with the top three Democratic presidential candidates. The debate starts at 8:00pm EST on CNN. This is the final debate for the Democrats before Saturday's South Carolina Primary.

The Republican presidential candidates will debate this Thursday, January 24th at 9:00pm EST on MSNBC. The debate will be at Florida Atlantic University and is sponsored by Leadership Florida, the Florida Press Association and Florida Public Broadcasting Service, Inc.

Pundits, Polls and the Presidential Primaries

After last night's results in the Democratic New Hampshire Primary, there continues to be an endless array of opinions on why the results were not what the polls and pundits had been predicting. Here are a few explanations worth reading:

What do you think about the results and what it means for both the Republicans and Democrats going forward?

ONE's On The Record campaign

The ONE Campaign is promoting their "On The Record" project with a new TV ad in IA, NH and national cable channels. Check it out:

Using the new tools for which our New Politics Institute advocates, ONE is also purchasing blog ads on every blog in both the progressive and conservative networks.

Simon on CNBC Today at 1:40pm EST

Check out Simon on CNBC at 1:40pm EST today discussing the economy. 

NDN Buzz

Check out Simon in this AP story where he discusses party discipline.  His quote is below:

"Instilling party discipline in our party is simply harder than in the Republican Party," said Simon Rosenberg, head of the New Democrat Network. "We are a more diverse party than they are."

Simon on The Al Franken Show at 12:30pm EST Today

Simon will be on Air America's The Al Franken Show today at 12:30pm EST. 

Simon on The Radio

Check out Simon on the Radio this week. 

This morning: he was on The Young Turks morning program on Air America Radio. 
11pm EST - The Jim Bohannon Show

12:30pm EST - Al Franken Show on Air America.

Simon will also be Dateline: Washington with Greg Corombus on Radio America. 

NDN Buzz

Simon is in the San Antonio Express-News today talking about the Republican's failure at making immigration a winning issue for them in next week's election. 

"From a policy standpoint, there was an organized effort to derail comprehensive immigration reform," says Simon Rosenberg of the New Democrat Network, a Washington-based progressive political organization.....There was (also) an effort to make immigration reform a winning issue for Republicans, but it failed for three reasons," he adds. "But despite the fence, they didn't satisfy those clamoring for more action. Second, it isn't working politically in the states, and third, it really angered the Latino community, the fastest growing electorate in the country."


NDN Cuba Poll in Washington Post

Check out NDN and Bendixen and Associates Cuba Poll in today's Washington Post.

NDN in the News

Check out the Washington Times today to see Simon's response to the new Gallup Poll.  According to the poll, the national party preference is even among likely voters.

  "Nobody believes those numbers. I don't think anybody in the country believes the generic party preference is even right now," said Simon Rosenberg, president of the New Democrat Network.
    Still, Mr. Rosenberg said, Mr. Bush's efforts to elevate the terrorism issue in the campaign "has been marginally effective."
    "The Republicans got a bounce out of his 9/11 speech. The president does have the ability to change the debate in the country. The problem is, it is not sustainable," he said.

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