Taking Trump’s Ongoing Assault On Our Democracy Seriously
Taking Trump’s Ongoing Assault On Our Democracy Seriously
In an NBC News column a while back, Glenn Kirschner, MSNBC legal analyst and former prosecutor, made a really compelling point – the current DOJ policy preventing the indictment of a sitting President, whether just or not, should not apply to crimes against our democracy, or cheating to win an election. “If a president can act unlawfully to influence an election,” Kirschner wrote, “he does not deserve the protections of his ill-gotten office. This incongruity encourages lawlessness in the quest for the presidency and then rewards that lawlessness by inoculating the criminal president against prosecution. Such a construct is dangerous.”
In my conversations with Kirschner we discussed how this absurd formulation has created a massive incentive for American Presidential candidates to cheat and cheat big – for the candidate who doesn’t cheat, loses; or if you cheat just a little bit you lose and can be indicted. The candidate who cheats in a big way and wins escapes prosecution. We are in such a horrific situation right now with President Trump. Trump is struggling to win a traditional free and fair election and has begun cheating/law breaking/ignoring the Constitution at a level never seen before in an American election (this thread details all the ways Trump is cheating now – it’s an exhausting list).
And Trump does all this knowing that if he wins AG Barr will be there to ensure he isn’t indicted, and if staff broke laws getting him elected – even working directly with Russian intelligence assets – he can pardon them (as he did Roger Stone example). As Kirschner predicted, there is no reason once you start cheating to do it at the margins of an election – you just have to go for it. For if you cheat and lose, you and your team can be indicted. Immunity only comes from winning or staying in power illicitly.
That Trump is a cheater/law breaker/criminal is well established. Despite all the cover the AG has given him, the President is under criminal investigation in NY for tax and insurance fraud. A trial involving rape allegations against the President is moving forward. Michael Cohen went to jail for their plan to repeatedly break election law in 2016, and the Trump family foundation’s law breaking (including 2016 election law) was so extreme the foundation was dissolved by the state of New York. We know the President accept and encouraged illicit help in 2016, and even built and designed campaign strategy around information Russian assets provided to the campaign in advance. And then there is whatever drove Comey to make his dramatic intervention ten days out in 2016 – a move which gave a losing Trump campaign an ill-gotten victory. Trump was Impeached in 2019 over a truly brazen and months- long effort involving senior leaders of his government to cheat in the current election – a lawless move which was given sanction by the Attorney General and the Senate Republicans.
The political crime spree the President is on right now has no precedent in American history. He is breaking/damaging ancient foundations of our democracy – the Postal Service, the Census, Separation of Powers, our Election itself. He’s using the vast powers of the US government to illegally aid his re-election every day, every day – it’s the equivalent of hundreds of millions of dollars of campaign spending paid by you, me and other American taxpayers. The absurd, fake Kayne campaign. Russia has returned, and this time the collusion is out in the open, overt; and this time, the government is providing intentional cover for Russia’s intervention, laundering it to make it legitimate. The President asked China for electoral help, his Ambassador to Brazil asked the Brazilian government for electoral help too. He’s invented a domestic terror threat which doesn’t exist. He’s using authoritarian means to stifle domestic dissent, and is threatening an all-out war by the United States government itself against “The Radical Left” (whatever that is). His Presidency has become an orgy of illiberalism – and as we see in the crack downs in Hong Kong and Belarus, we cannot look the other way, pretend this isn’t happening here. Trump has shown too much admiration and kinship with authoritarian oppressors throughout the world for us to believe it cannot happen here. Of course it can.
In 2016 the media and political elites were slow to recognize the illicit activity which helped give Trump an ill-gotten win. We naively “waited for Mueller.” The Republican burying of Trump’s Impeachment – essentially not even allowing a Constitutionally required trial – was for us here at NDN a “Crossing the Rubicon” moment, a moment when the US was no longer really a functioning democracy as we have been taught to understand them. And so here we are, the place Rep. Adam Schiff and my friend Glenn Kirscher predicted we would be – the President has launched enormous effort to stay in power using all means necessary. He’s in the process of denying America a free and free election. He is cheating and breaking American election law at a truly massive scale, right now, every day, in front of our eyes. His partner, Putin, has returned, and is aiding his re-election again. There simply is no reason to believe he is going to leave office without a fight.
Yes I know there are big issues in front of our campaigns now – COVID, our recession/depression, return to school, health care, climate, fighting systemic racism. But we all must find time in this challenging time to talk about what our President is doing to our democracy itself. It is a betrayal of country without peer or precedent. We simply have to do everything we can to make it harder for him to cheat, or stay in power illicitly. We have to prepare the American people for the struggle ahead, and we have to fight – using the Congress, state legislatures and Governors, Attorney Generals and city prosecutors. The director of the USPS should be in front of Congress explaining himself TOMORROW not in mid-September. If state and local laws are being violated by Trump prosecutions should happen. State AGs can subpoena the USPS, WH COS Meadows, others in the WH and ask them to explain in public what they are doing. Our electeds in the states should hold hearings and events educating the public about how to vote, and the threats we see. There has to be an enormous national effort to not just defeat Trump in a traditional election but to defend our democracy from his ongoing assault. But that starts with not looking the other way, pretending there are more important issues to talk about – we can wage both a traditional campaign, and a campaign to preserve our democracy. We have no choice really. We can and must do both now.
We know from history how dangerous this moment is – fellow patriots, let us commit to rise to this moment, together, and do everything we can to defeat this extraordinary threat to everything that has made America great, and an inspiration for free people throughout the world for centuries.