Biden Leads, COVID19 To Do List, WTF McConnell?
While it is likely that the COVID-19 crisis will create a new political dynamic in America, the current climate very much favors the Democrats and Joe Biden. In recent polling, Biden’s lead over Trump has been consistently 8-11 points, landslide territory. Using Real Clear Politics, Biden is ahead in most of the battleground states, with more than enough to get to 270. Using FiveThirtyEight, Trump’s job approval is about where it was on Election Day 2018 when Democrats won by 8.6 pts and the Congressional Generic is +7 for the Democrats now. The new NBC/WSJ poll has Party ID at 44D-36R – 8 pts. Wherever you look, the structure of the race is 7-10 pts right now for the Democrats, a formidable lead at this point.
You can find this strong Democratic trend in the important Senate races too. Gideon (ME), Kelly (AZ), and Cunningham (NC) have leads of 4-5-6 in polls taken in the past few weeks. Ernst had a bad poll last week in Iowa, and the two former governors, Bullock (MT) and Hickenlooper (CO), are in very strong positions in their races (though with no recent polling). While the GOP is likely to win in AL, the primary there has gotten really messy. Basically everything has broken against Mitch McConnell since the Senate trial ended – at this point we think Dems are more likely than not to get to 50 in the Senate.
Joe Biden leads by a large margin in the Democratic Primary, and has big leads in all the states voting tomorrow. NBC/WSJ had it 61/32 yesterday, so there is evidence that Biden’s lead is actually growing now. If people vote tomorrow and he sweeps all four contests, he could grow even more and it would be our hope that Bernie gets out by week’s end. With voting a bit in question after Tuesday, Democrats may have to do some creative things to officially end their primary and make Biden the nominee, particularly if there are no Conventions this year – watch for more on this from NDN in the coming days.
Be Loud About COVID-19 - As we wrote to you yesterday, we hope everyone reading this message calls their Senators and Representative today and demands Congress stay in until the nation has a real plan in place to battle COVID-19. Looking at what’s been done in other nations, it is just shocking to realize how little the President has done since our first case was diagnosed a full 8 weeks ago. In addition to the House bill which passed on Friday and still awaits McConnell's return from a four day weekend, consider all that still needs to be done:
☑ Ensure that our national testing regime is in place and working (we’ve tested as many people in 8 weeks as South Korea does every day, and we each had our first case at the same time)
☑ Initiate Herculean efforts to build hospital beds and provide the proper equipment needed by our health care professionals
☑ Establish a clear national policy on social distancing, and don’t leave such heavy lifting to states and localities alone
☑ Pass the new Wyden Senate bill which would fund and enable a national vote by mail program for the general election ensuring that the election takes place as scheduled
☑ Launch a comprehensive, effective screening system for the millions of people who come into the country each day
☑ Appoint a COVID-19 spokesperson who American can rely on each day, and who tells the truth
☑ Create a national advisory board which studies how other nations are tackling COVID and can rush successful tactics to deployment here in the US
☑ Stand up a public temperature measurement corps which will identify carriers in public spaces and rush them to rapid testing and treatment (something being done in many other countries)
☑ Nominate and confirm people in every agency involved in the national response for every unfilled position immediately so that we are at full strength to fight in the days ahead (DHS Secretary for example!)
A new David Leonhardt analysis in the New York Times goes into detail about how the President squandered his opportunity to contain COVID-19 and has continually mismanaged the response. There is no question that the President’s incompetence will cost Americans lives – perhaps tens of thousands – and will have done historic damage to our economy and our society more broadly. The President had the tools to contain COVID but chose not to use them.
Given all this, it is our hope that among the things Congress does in the days ahead is put the President’s removal back on the table. Given the President’s unprecedented bungling of our nation’s response, he should be taken out of the chain of command now – there simply is no way he can be trusted to do what’s right in the days ahead given how much he has gotten wrong over many months now.