Are We Better Off Under Trump? - A Series
In a new series challenging Trump's economic policy, we argue that Americans are not better off after almost two years of the Trump administration. Job and wage growth is down, the trade and budget deficits have surged, and healthcare access has declined for the middle class and poor. Further, the decline in export opportunities for US businesses and significant deterioration in the fiscal sustainability of the government mean that Trump's policies will harm Americans for years to come.
Trump's Tax Cuts Have Failed To Deliver On Their Promises - 10/30/18 - Trump’s tax cut promised to boost growth by strengthening the labor market and business investment, but today both metrics look very similar to their pre-tax cut trend. Instead, the deficit has surged to unprecedented levels and rapidly increasing interest rates are hurting ordinary Americans.
Are We Better Off Under Trump? Charts, Graphs, Data - 10/25/18 - After Trump's first two years, jobs and income growth is slower, while the budget and trade deficits have surged. This presentation highlights the data behind NDN's argument that Americans are not better off under Trump.
Are We Better Off Under Trump? The Short Answer Is No - 10/18/18 - Most measures of the US economy are worse today than when Trump took office. Worse still, the President’s policies have made it very challenging to manage the next recession or global economic downturn.
Challenging Trump's Tariffs - An Ongoing Series - 10/12/18 - In a new series challenging Trump's tariffs, we argue that the President's trade policy is illegal, recklessly ignorant, damaging to the US economy, and historically unpopular. Congress must step up and rescind them this fall.
Aditional writings from Rob Shapiro:
The Latest Outlook On The Economy: Another Canary Swoons - 10/24/18 - There are growing signals of a possible recession 10 to 15 months from now - a flattened yield curve, weak investment growth, and stagnant productivity. On top of that, big drops in new home sales threaten to throw the construction industry, and the 7 million workers it employs, into a downward spiral.
Don't Be Fooled: Working Americans Are Worse Off Under Trump - 9/30/18 - The typical working American's earnings, when properly measured, have declined during the Trump administration. It is no wonder, then, that Americans have been unmoved by economic news over the past two years.