Backgrounder: The Surge of Central American Migrants at the US-Mexico Border
The recent surge of migrants from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras is the latest challenge to an overburdened US immigration system. Here are some of the resources that we at NDN found most useful to learn more about this highly complex problem:
From the Obama Administration
- Statement by the President on Immigration, The White House, 7/9/14,
- White House Fact Sheet on Emergency Supplemental Request, The Hill, 7/8/14
- Full Meet With The Press with Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson, NBC News, 7/6/14
- Written Testimony of DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson, National Journal, 6/24/14
- White House Response, The White House, 6/20/14
- Fact Sheet: Unaccompanied Children from Central America, The White House, 6/20/14
- "Our First Priority is to Manage This Serious Humanitarian Situation", El Pais, 6/20/14 (intv with VP Biden)
From The Media
- Obama Aides Were Warned of Brewing Border Crisis, The Washington Post, 7/19/14
- Possible Compromise Emerges on Border Request, Orange County Register, 7/10/14
- Obama, On Texas Trip, Will Face Immigration Critics, The New York Times, 7/9/14
- Obama's Immigration Problem Is Also Perry's, and Cornyn's, and McCain's, The Dallas Morning News, 7/9/14
- Deportation Data Won't Dispel Rumors Drawing Migrant Minors to U.S., Los Angeles Times, 7/5/14
- US Releases Immigrant Families, Won't Say How Many, AP, 6/23/14
- Care About Minors Crossing Border? Then Pass Immigration Reform Now!, The Washington Post, 6/23/14
- Few Immediate Consequences for Child Immigrants, AP, 6/23/14
- Morning Plum: GOP's problems on Immigration Aren't Going Away, The Washington Post, 6/23/14
- White House Struggles With Immigration Bind, The Washinton Post, 6/20/14
- US Moves to Stop Surge In Illegal Immigration, The New York Times, 6/20/14
- Hillary Clinton Wants Child Migrants Sent Back. Here's What That Would Look Like, Vox, 6/19/14
- Surge in Child Migrants Reaches New York, Overwhelming Advocates, The New York Times, 6/17/14
- Influx of Minors Across Texas Border Driven By Belief They Will Be Allowed to Stay In U.S., Washington Post, 6/13/14
- Border Children Tell Their Stories: Why We Came to the US, NBC News, 6/12/14
Other Important Resources
- What is the Right Policy Toward Unaccompanied Children at U.S. Borders?, Migration Policy Institute, 6/20/14
- 5 Things You Need to Know About Unaccompanied Children, Center for American Progress, 6/18/14
- Unaccompanied Minors Crossing the Border-The Facts, Cato Institute, 6/17/14
- Number of Latino Children Caught Trying to Enter U.S. Nearly Doubles in Less Than a Year, Pew Hispanic, 6/10/14
- The Flow of Unaccompanied Children Through the Immigration System, Vera Institute of Justice, 3/1/12
Resources on Central America/Cartels
- How Mexico's Cartels Are Behind the Border Kid Crisis, The Daily Beast, 6/23/14
- These Are the Real Reasons Behind Our Humanitarian Crisis At the Border, The Huffington Post, 6/22/14
- DHS Secretary to Parents: Sending Children to the U.S. Illegally 'Is Not the Solution', The Huffington Post, 6/23/14
- Obama Administration Acts to Ease Immigration Legal Crunch at Border, Los Angeles Times, 6/20/14
- Don't Blame Central American Newspapers For Influx of Undocumented Children, Huffington Post, 6/12/14
NDN Resources
- What Congress Cand Do To Help With The Central American Migrant Crisis, NDN, 6/24/14
- GOP Attacks On Obama' s Immigration Enforcement Record Are Ridicolous, NDN, 4/25/14
- Backgrounder: The Administration's Progress on Immigration and Border Enforcement, NDN, 4/15/14
Also, be sure to attend our Webinar on this issue at Thursday, June 26th at 3 PM or Friday, June 27th.
We hope you find these useful, and please reach out with questions.