Millenials in the News - NDN Hosts Event Next week

This week's issue of TIME magazine is garnering considerable attention, and in many cases, scrunity, for its hyper-narcissitic portrayal of the millenial generation: "The Me Me Me Generation." It's an interesting piece (warning: behind a paywall), but has been accompanied by a range of ripostes from Klein's brief response to Elspeth Reeve's strong rebuttal, "Every Every Every Generation has been the Me Me Me Generation" that refutes much of what Stein claims. 

If you were interested in learning more about this, we are hosting a panel on this subject this Tuesday, May 14th from 5:30 with some of the leading experts in the field of millenails - and NDN Fellows - Mike Hais and Morley Winograd and the National Journal's Ron Brownstein. In this informative discussion, we'll learn about Mike and Morley's latest book,"Millenial Majority: How a New Coalition is Remaking American Politics" that focuses on the political ramifications of this burgeoning generation and the resultant demographic shifts. Join us Tuesday to hear from these veritable experts!