NDN Issue Roundup: On Gun Violence
In the aftermath of too many mass shootings in recent history, President Obama yesterday made a bold announcement on steps to gun reform. Please read the following recent NDN pieces on the issue:
Op-Ed in The Hill: "America the Violent? No more" by Simon Rosenberg and Chris Bowman, March 5, 2013
Statement from NDN on The President's Gun Violence Announcement Today, by Simon Rosenberg. January 16, 2013.
A Millenial Era Approach to Preventing Gun Violence, by Mike Hais and Morley Winograd. January 16, 2013.
President Obama's Gun Announcement, Straw Purchasers, and the Southwest Border, by Kristian Ramos. January 16, 2013.
NDN Analysis: Hard To Argue There Is A Culture of Violence in the US, by Simon Rosenberg. January 9, 2013.