NDN News Roundup, 1/29: Progress for Immigration
With the Senate and the President both gearing up on immigration reform, NDN has appeared in the news quite a bit recently focusing on immigration. In the build up to this big immigration push, Simon had offered his opinion in recent weeks to Huffington Post and participated in a HuffPost Live discussion with host Alicia Menendez to discuss immigration reform. He released this statement on Friday on NDN's position on immigration reform.
Following the Senate's release of their immigration proposal yesterday morning, Simon offered his thoughts in NBC Latino and the Houston Chronicle. From NBC:
“The devil is in the details, though — there are some critical details to be worked out, especially as pertains to border issues,” he says. Though many legislators still argue for the need to enforce the border above all, Rosenberg argues there has not been much collective understanding on the current realities of the U.S.-Mexico border.
“This connection between border progress and citizenship for the undocumented is something that needs to be worked through in a fair and reasonable way,” Rosenberg says, also arguing that net migration from Mexico to the U.S. has dropped precipitously.
He discussed taxes in the immigration plan with the SF Chronicle and was featured in a piece in the Wall Street Journal stressing the importance of the border, saying:
"The key here is to make sure the metrics in determining border safety [are] reasonable," said Simon Rosenberg, president of the New Democrat Network, a group that favors an immigration overhaul. "What is unacceptable to many is if this ends up becoming something that never happens."
Simon was also interviewed by PBS News Hour for an extended segment for his take on immigration reform.
TODAY: Simon will be on HuffPost Live after the President's speech on immigration reform. He will be speaking in a public event at American University tonight to discuss immigration reform. For more information, please see here.
Stay tuned for more from NDN, and make sure to see our latest on immigration reform at 21border.com.