NDN Backgrounder: Rethinking Immigration Reform: A New Series

Since Senators John McCain and Ted Kennedy built the framework for what is called Comprehensive Immigration Reform in 2005, the policy and political landscape has changed a great deal.  Pieces of CIR have been enacted, others stalled, others need updating.  In the aftermath of a tumultuous few weeks in the immigration reform debate we found ourselves asking – so if a bill were to move in the next Congress, what would it look like? What problems are we trying to solve now, and where should the emphasis be? Is the original McCain-Kennedy framework still applicable or just something else need to be constructed?  

To take a look at these questions NDN/NPI is launching a new series of events we call “Rethinking Immigration Reform.”  Our first in the series is with a terrific and thoughtful group of experts and advocates from across the political spectrum:

Tamar Jacoby, President and CEO, ImmigrationWorks USA
Thomas A. Saenz, President and General Counsel, Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF)
Frank Sharry, Executive Director, America's Voice

The first in our series of events will take place July 18th, at NDN/NPI's event space, 729 15th St, NW.  Lunch will be served at noon and the program will begin at 1215pm.   Seating is very limited for this event so please RSVP today.

Below please find some background material to help contextualize our conversation.

Politics of the SB 1070 ahead of the 2012 General Elections

Simon's Statement on SCOTUS Immigration Decision Simon Rosenberg 6/25/2012

Simon's take on the politics of SB1070 and the decision by the Department of Justice to declare the law unconstitutional.  The national GOP has gone into big time spin mode on this, declaring that the DOJ suit is political death for "Democrats in the West."   While that scenario is possible of course,  Simon looks at what we know about how this debate has played out in recent years.

Is Immigration a Desert Mirage for the GOP?  by Kristian Ramos, 7/27/2010

This special report acts as an excellent primer on the politics around SB1070. It also explores the idea that many Republican's see the popularity of SB1070 as an opportunity to create a wedge issue out of immigration. The report also focuses on the potential political gains and losses for Democrats in the Fall.

Why Jan Brewer Should Re-Consider Enforcing "Papers Please" Section of SB1070 Kristian Ramos 6/25/2012

Even though the Supreme Court upheld the provision that police officers check immigration status of individuals stopped for ordinary traffic violations, it is increasingly unlikely that Governor Brewer will ever be able enforce the law for a sustained amount of time facing the economic costs and more civil rights' lawsuits.

Moving forward to fix our broken immigration system

NDN MEMO: With Pres Obama Our Border is Safer, Our Immigration System Better  Simon Rosenberg 6/22/2012

This memo highlights the achievements of President Obama of making the U.S. border regions safer; strenghtening workplace enforcement; and the new bold policy to relieve from deportation immigrants who would be eligible to legal status under the DREAM Act proposal in order to focus resources in the removal of immigrants with criminal background.

Simon Weighs In on Current Immigration Debate  Anjani Nadadur 6/22/2012

This report is a comparison on the Obama's and Romney's vision to address the need for an immigration reform and appeal to Hispanic voters at the convention of the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials.