Daily Border Bulletin - Drawbacks Seen With Having National Guardsmen on Border, Latinos Deeply Divided Over Marco Rubio, More
Your Daily Border Bulletin is up! Stories from your Border Bulletin are as follows:
Drawbacks Seen With Having National Guardsmen on Border A new report by the U.S. Government Accountability Office highlights some of the drawbacks of having the National Guard on the Southwest Border.
Latinos Deeply Divided Over Marco Rubio: As the Republican party continues to try to soften their harsh rhetoric to the Hispanic community Florida Senator Marco Rubio continues to be mentioned as a Vice Presidential candidate. However Hispanics are raising questions about what he would actually bring to the ticket.
Romney's immigration stance may soften to appeal to Latino voters: After a series of blistering polls revealed deep fissures between the Republican Part and Hispanics Mitt Romney is seeking to soften his stance on many issues important to Hispanics.
- Kristian Ramos's blog
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