President's Budget Dominates the Week, Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping will visit the U.S. this week

The President's Budget dominates the news this week.  President Obama is not going to  back off his green energy agenda despite constant Republican attacks. DOE's total resources would grow by about $1.4 billion, a 5.6 percent increase.  This increase  reflects a $522 million, or 29 percent, increase for renewable energy sources and an additional $174 million for a revamped industrial technology-advanced manufacturing program.  This includes research areas of hydraulic fracturing safety in conjunction with the EPA and the U.S. Geological Survey.  Interior stays the same as last year, but last year Interior saw significant increases for its new organization and permit processing that was supported by both parties.  Both EPA and USDA farm subsidies will see significant cuts.  EPA gets hit by 1.2% dropping to $8.3B with once again seeing most of the cut in the state water revolving fund.  Hearings begin on Wednesday and will continue for two months. 

Interior at House Resources - Secretary Salazar Wednesday at 10am

DOE at Senate Energy – Secretary  Chu, Thursday at 9:30 a.m.

Interior at House Approps panel on Interior and Environment - Secretary Salazar ,Thursday at 1:30

OSTP at House Science – White House OSTP Director John Holdren, Friday at 9:30 a.m.

Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping will visit the U.S. this week.  The timing of this visit is somewhat volatile as the two countries sit on the verge of a clean-tech trade war. Officials say the visit is intended to help Xi build relationships - not conduct business on behalf of China - The Department of Commerce's decision on imposing tariffs on Chinese solar panels could be an elephant in the room.