Invite: January 20 - Discussion With the EPA’s Gina McCarthy on New National Standards for Mercury

On December 21, 2011, the Environmental Protection Agency issued an historic ruling which set the first ever national standards to reduce mercury and other toxic air emissions.  This ruling will not only impact our air quality and environment but will significantly impact the utility sector, the business industry, and other related entities.    

To better understand this ruling, NDN/New Policy Institute has invited Gina McCarthy, Assistant Administrator for the Office of Air and Radiation at the EPA to speak to our Clean Energy Initiative.  Please join us for a luncheon discussion on Friday, January 20, at 12noon at the NDN event space which is located at 729 15th Street on the first floor.  Ms. McCarthy will spotlight the broad implications of these newly instituted standards which will require deep cuts in emissions and most likely reshape the utility industry in the process. 

Gina McCarthy’s presentation is the sixth in our “Clean Energy Solution Series" to showcase the leaders, companies, ideas and policies who are hastening our transition to a cleaner, safer and more distributed energy paradigm of the 21st Century.

Please RSVP today to me here  And if you can't join us in person feel free to watch the live webcast starting at 12:15pm.