Daily Border Bulletin – The New Immigration Landscape, GOP’s Latino Problems Get Worse, Romney's big problem: Hispanic Voters

Your Daily Border Bulletin is up! Stories featured in todays border bulletin are below:

The New Immigration Landscape –  Simon Rosenberg, President of NDN, Frank Sharry, Executive Director of America’s Voice and Ruben Gallego, State Representative, Arizona District 16 held an internet discussion on A Changed Landscape: How Recent Events Have Changed The Debates Over Immigration, the Border and The Political Attitudes of Latinos” Please click here to see the full discussion.

GOP’s Latino Problems Get Worse – Simon gives his take to Salon on the burgeoning problems for the GOP with Hispanic voters: “The current dynamic among Latinos is mild disappointment with Obama but outright fear of the GOP,

Romney will have big problem: Hispanic voters  – Another piece on how the Republican party will have a hard time coming close to 40% of the Hispanic Vote.