National Gas to outpace Coal in production of Electricity, Bogus Job Number for XLKeystone Pipeline, EV Industry Bumps in Road
Natural Gas will soon replace coal as our nation's leading electricity generator by 2025, according to a long-term outlook from Exxon Mobil Corp.
If you say 20,000 jobs often enough – does that make it true? No, it doesn’t. The "20,000 jobs" came from a study funded by TransCanada, the company building the pipeline. The original State Department review, however, found that the actual number would be more like 5,000 annnnnd most of these jobs will be temporary. Which makes the number 20,000 untrue and unfair – given the reality of unemployed people in our country. But that won’t stop the Chamber of Commerce and some Republicans for repeatedly using that number, even if it means by their own admission that his includes ‘modern dancers choreographers and dancers who would move to the high plains area to reap the benefits of this economic boon' As might be expected, the Administration's money for the burgeoning electric vehicle industry has experienced some bumps in the road particularly in the area of batteries and battery storage.
- Clare Giesen's blog
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