Daily Border Bulletin – Arpaio cited for historic levels of civil rights violations, DHS cuts federal aid, Perry defends Sheriff
Your Daily Border Bulletin is up.
A brief compendium of some of Sheriff Joe’s civil rights violations – Sheriff Joe has a long history of controversy, this post highlights some of the worst cited in The Department of Justice Report.
DHS cuts ties with Sheriff Joe – The Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security released a statement announcing that the DHS was revoking the Sheriffs ability to screen for immigrants in jails.
Perry defends Arpaio Texas Governor and Republican Presidential candidate Rick Perry defended the Sheriff.
The New Policy Institute’s 21st Century Border Initiative released a major new report researched by The North American Center For Transborder Studies (NACTS) at Arizona State University, “Realizing the Value of our Cross Border Trade with Mexico.”
For more on NDN/NPI’s work in this area, visit our new website, www.21border.com, and its YouTube site, which features dozens of videos of leaders from the border region talking about the very real challenges and opportunities they face.
- Kristian Ramos's blog
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