DOE Secretary Chu Testifies Before House Energy and Commerce, GHG Regs coming in 2012, Natural Gas and Fracking in Spotlight
For five hours, DOE Secretary Chu testified before the House Energy Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigation. The Committee, headed by Congressman Cliff Sterns, focused on Chu's poor judgemnt, mismanagement, political favoritism, and potentially breaking the law in the $535 million loan guarantees to Solyndra, the now bankrupt solar panel manufacturers. The Huffington Post gives an overview of the hearing which puts Secretary Chu in a positive light, however POLITICO's overview shines a harsher light on the manner in which Secretary Chu has led the Department of Energy.
Lisa Jackson, the head of Envrionmental Protection Agency has announced that EPA has sent draft greenhouse gs regulations to the White House for review. The plan is to release them early next year. For the energy/climate cognecenti, she will appear Sunday morning on energy NOW. This should set up an interesting climate dialogue during the 2012 political season.
There will be a big story on fracking and natural gas in the New York Ttimes Sunday Magazine. The story's focus will be on on Pennsylvania's large natural gas supply and benefits and pitfalls of fracking to retrieve this natural gas. The issues involved cover the the enormous environmental risks involved in the fracking process, the promise of new jobs in a recession economy, and the benefits of an abundance of a cheap new energy souce. Your socio-economic status has a lot to do with how you feel about this.
- Clare Giesen's blog
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