Undocumented Immigration Levels Lowest Since the 70's, Pearce recall heats up, GOP debate tough talk on immigration

News that current immigration levels are at the lowest they have been since 1972 has left pundits wondering if the GOP should move on from their border is a war zone rhetoric, meanwhile SB1070 mastermind Russell Pearce recall race heats up as criticism of how his anti-immigrant policies have affected the states economy are growing,  and finally Rick Perry's "moderate stance on immigration has shown a light on the more extreme views of others in the Republican presidential primaries.

Washington Post - Figures say GOP should declare victory on immigration - "Final numbers won’t be available for a few more days, it appears that captures of illegal border crossers will be in the range of 325,000 for fiscal 2011. That is down 50 percent since 2008; 70 percent since 2006; and 80 percent since 2000, when 1.6 million undocumented immigrants were picked up after crossing the border."

Arizona Republic - Pearce has damaged Ariz. economy -
Examines the coloration between State Senator Russell Pearce statements and actions ahead of his recall race in Arizona's 18th legislative district.

NPR - Will Tough Talk On Immigration Repel Latino Voters? - Highlights the tight rope walk that many republican nominees face as they try to balance Tea Party extremism with the need to reach out to Hispanic Voters.