Hugely Successful Wind Energy Panel Presents Case for Successful Wind Energy Future
Our panel today, The Economic Ramifications of Wind Energy and the Relevance of Tax Credits, was hugely successful. Our panelists did a magnificent job of presenting the case for investment of wind energy in spite of the current political climate.
Markian Melnyk, our renewable rock star, did not disappoint. He gave a compelling case for offshore wind technology. After hearing his presentation, I have no doubt of the viability and future success of Atlantic Wind Connection. An overall investment of $30 billion dollars in offshore wind technology will yield electrical benefits, congestion relief, reduce CO2 to taking 3 million cars off the road and job creation to 130,000 to 260,000 full time equivalent ears of employment. Markian is not necessarily an advocate for Production Tax Credits and leans more toward the establishment of a Clean Energy Standard.
Rob Gramlich outlined the spectacular success of the wind industry over the past 10years. Wind represents an astounding 35% of all new generation capacity and they are the second largest source of new installed capacity – after natural gas. A nascent industry compared to traditional sources, wind garners 2.3% of U.S. electricity. The wind industry has over 400 facilities in 43 states and the domestic content of wind is up 60% from 25% a short time ago. Rob is an advocate of production tax credits and demonstrated how PTC helped boost the economy of wind energy.
Laura Haynes clearly presented the realities of wind energy and other renewable energy in the political climate of the 112th Congress. She outlined Senator Carper’s legislation, Incentivizing Offshore Wind Power Act which provides the offshore wind industry with enhanced stabiltiy by extending investment tax credits for the first 3,000 MW of offshore wind facilities - an estimate of 600 wind turbines.
Our panel today is the fifth in our Clean Energy Solution Series to showcase the leaders, companies, ideas and policies who are hastening our transition to a cleaner, safer and more distributed energy paradigm of the 21st Century.
- Clare Giesen's blog
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