Champions of Change: Nogales mayor hopes D.C. visit opened eyes to border
NDN/NPI are working to advance efforts to build a diverse and vibrant border economy. Last week twenty-three leaders from Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, and Southern California joined us in Washington to be honored at the White House for their work in creating economic opportunity on the US side of our common border with Mexico.
Nogales Mayor Arturo Garino talked to Austin Counts of The Nogales International about his trip to D.C.:
Garino said he told administration officials that additional government investment at Arizona's ports of entry anda stronger trade relationship between U.S. and Mexico could play a crucial role in the future of Nogales and the nation.
"What (the officials) are looking for is how they can serve and help the border region," Garino said Monday. "Not everyone understands the problems along the border."
Mayor Ken Miyagishima of Las Cruces, N.M. and Mayor Tony Martinez of Brownsville, Texas also participated in the discussion that came as part of the Champions of Change meeting at the White House on Friday.
The full story can be read here
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