Invite: April 12 - Michael Granoff to Speak at 2nd New York Clean Energy Forum
Michael Granoff will speak on "Securing Oil Independence through Electric Cars at Scale: Lessons from Israel". The event will be on Tuesday, April 12, at 8:30am at the Harvard Club, 35 W 44th Street in the Mahogany Room In New York.
Michael is the head of oil independence policies for Better Place, an organization dedicated to accelerating the transition to sustainable transportation through a revolutionary switchable battery model for electric cars. Granoff works with stakeholders of all types to calibrate policies consistent with ending the corrosive effect of oil dependence on the economy, the environment, and U S national security. Stakeholders with which Granoff works include governments on every level, industry, non-governmental organizations, and current and future Better Place partners. Granoff is founder of Maniv Energy Capital, a New York-based investment group and the first investor in Better Place. This should be a fascinating speech on a timely topic that will play an important role in our Nation's energy policy.
I hope you will join us. Click here to rsvp. All of our Clean Energy Forum's in New York are hosted by Michael Moynihan.