NDN In The News: Arizona Ads Target Hispanic Vote
Molly Ball of the Politico has written a story about NDN's Southwest Get Out The Vote Spanish language Campaign, entitled Arizona Ads Target Hispanic Vote:
The Spanish-language ads that NDN, formerly the New Democrat Network, is airing in the Phoenix media market play on the Hispanic community’s anger at the two politicians, both of whom have made tough tactics against illegal immigrants their political trademark.
NDN also plans to air ads urging Hispanics to vote in the Las Vegas and Denver markets, standard-issue get-out-the-vote spots that don’t mention the two controversial pols.
The article translates some of the language from the advertisements:
“Since Arpaio started with his raids, and since Brewer took over the governorship, each morning I look in the mirror and see myself as their Mr. Scapegoat,” a man says in one of the Arizona ads. “That’s what they have done for you and me. Even though we are Americans!”
It urges listeners to “let them know we’ve had enough.”
The article also goes into the polling done behind the campaign:
NDN’s polls and focus groups found near-universal recognition of Arpaio, who faces a Justice Department investigation for his aggressive immigration crackdowns, and Brewer, whose backing of the controversial state Senate Bill 1070 has made her a national celebrity among opponents of immigration reform. Even the small minority of Hispanics who agreed with the policies in question disliked the pair.
Senior Vice President Andres Ramirez was also featured in the article:
NDN, a Washington-based think tank and advocacy organization, hopes to channel that anger into turnout. The message of the ads is, “If you don’t vote, you’re saying it’s OK for them to keep doing those things,” said NDN Senior Vice President Andres Ramirez. “You need to stand up and let them know you disagree.”
Also NDN has also gotten great coverage from the Spanish language media, please check here, for the full story.
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