Democrats Fight For DREAM Act As GOP Continue To Threaten To Block Legislation
As the first procedural vote on the DREAM Act nears, partisan battle lines are being drawn. Arizona Senator John McCain has angrily denounced attaching the legislation as an amendment to the Defense Re-Authorization Bill.
Seth McLaughlin of the Washington Times has the full story in McCain Rips Defense Bill Amendments:
"This is turning legislation related to our national defense and military preparedness into a vehicle to force a partisan agenda through the Senate," he said. "What's worse, the majority leader is pushing this controversial agenda under the cover of supporting our troops, knowing that the National Defense Authorization Act is a must-pass bill, and whatever else is in it will inevitably become law as a result."
It is somewhat ironic that Senator McCain would characterize the DREAM Act as "Controversial," because when he was a presidential candidate in 2008, he endorsed the DREAM Act going so far a to put out this release which says:
McCain was a co-sponsor of The DREAM Act of 2007, and an earlier Senate bill that provided for comprehensive immigration reform, including the DREAM Act of 2006. McCain was a co-sponsor of the DREAM Act of 2005
While flip-flopping on immigration is nothing new for Senator McCain, his complaint that the DREAM Act is not germane to the Defense Re-Authorization is also intellectually dishonest.
Senator Richard Durbin pointed out on the Senate floor, that DREAM was not only germane to Defense Re-Authorization, but has the support of the military.
"The DoD bill is an appropriate vehicle for DREAM Act because 10s of 1,000s of highly qualified young people would enlist in armed forces"
In fact according to the Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness, the DREAM Act is recommended by the military because it will
Help shape and maintain a mission-ready All Volunteer Force.
Meanwhile Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, continued to defend passing the DREAM Act:
"I hope that he will do the right thing and support this bill that not only funds critical support for our troops like weapons upgrades and pay raises, but also ensures that our military reflects our nation's values," he said.
- Kristian Ramos's blog
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