Boehner Changes Position on Extension of Bush Tax Cuts

When asked about the extension of the Bush tax cuts this weekend on Face the Nation, House Minority Leader John Boehner said:

If the only option I have is to vote for those at $250,000 and below, of course I'm going to do that. 

This is of course a major change in Leader Boehner's position on the tax cuts, and it's a good one. I look forward to his vote in favor of the extension of the tax cuts for the middle class. As Simon just tweeted:

Should Speaker Pelosi immediately accept #Boehner's offer to cut a deal on Dem econ plan? Perhaps a face to face tomorrow between the 2?

I look forward to hearing about this meeting - it will be great to have the two parties working together to come up with reasonable economic policy. And, while Mitch McConnell doesn't see room for movement in the Senate, this leadership from the House side should help move things along. Plus, the cuts were passed the first time around by reconciliation, so I don't see a reasonable standard for requiring a super majority this time around.