Justice Department Will Fight Arizona Law

There has been rumblings since last week that the Obama Administration would be filing a law suit to fight Arizona on the passage of SB1070. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton let the cat out of the bag in an interview with an Ecuadorean television studio, the full story on that can be read here. As enticing as Secretary Clinton's statements were, at the time they were un-confirmed by the White House.

As of Friday, the Justice Department still had not formally announced plans to file suit. 

However many senior administration officials have felt the need to speak off the record indicating that they would be filing a lawsuit to strike down SB1070 before the legislation became law. The full article can be read here. As always some highlights below.

A spokesman for the Justice Department said the matter was still under review, but other senior administration officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said a decision had indeed been made and only the details of the legal filing were still being worked out.

These officials said several government agencies were being consulted over the best approach to block the statute, which, barring any successful legal challenges, takes effect July 29. At least five lawsuits have already been filed in federal court, and civil rights groups have asked a federal judge to issue an injunction while the cases are heard.

Stay tuned here, for more information as it develops.