Ambassador Arturo Sarukhan and Commissioner Alan Bersin: A Conversation on a "21st Century Border"
On May 24 NDN/NPI was proud to host Mexican Ambassador Arturo Sarukhan and Chairman of U.S. Customs and Border Protection Alan Bersin to discuss the first joint U.S.-Mexico vision for a "21st Century Border."
Reaching an agreement on the "21st Century Border" was one of the most important achievements of the recent visit by President Calderon. The NDN/NPI event allowed both Ambassador Sarukhan and Chairman Bersin to take a much deeper look at what this new agreement means for our two countries.
We are excited to present in its entirety the event, which in addition to discussing the "21st Century Border, also touches on border security, comprehensive immigration reform and the economics of immigration. Please watch and enjoy.
- Kristian Ramos's blog
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